Introduction: Write a brief note on Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Body: Write 3-4 points each for the achievements and failures of NPT Conclusion: Provide suggestions to improve provisions of treaty |
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) came into force on 5 March 1970, with the objectives: 1) To prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, 2) To promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy 3) Nuclear disarmament
The treaty has completed more than 50 years. There have been issues associated with this treaty, however the treaty has also played following important roles as well, which are worth mentioning:
1) NPT prevented the proliferation of nuclear weapons to those developed countries like in Canada, Germany etc. that were capable of developing such destructive capability.
2) The treaty provided the blueprint of rules and regulations that should be applied for dealing in nuclear technology. It made proliferation among aggressive countries difficult. It took decades for a few other countries to acquire technology.
3) It provided access to nuclear technology for peaceful usage such as energy.
Issues associated with NPT
Discrimination: Non-nuclear Weapon States consider the provisions of treaty as discriminatory. They have a view that this treaty was signed so that nuclear weapon states cannot be challenged in the world order
Failure of Disarmament Process: One of its biggest failures is its inability to achieve nuclear disarmament. No formula could be devised to reduce the nuclear holdings of the nuclear weapon states. Vertical nuclear proliferation has been continuously taking place.
Failures in preventing proliferation: NPT has been able to delay the proliferation of nuclear technology, however, many states such as North Korea, India, Pakistan etc. have tested and acquired nuclear weapons as of now.
Global resurgence of nationalism: Nationalism aims at gaining and maintaining a state’s sovereignty, implying the belief that each state should be free from outside interference. It is associated with opposition to nonproliferation obligations on the pretext that their rival nations have such weapons.
NPT was negotiated long ago and now the world order is changing and so is the global realities. Thus, the treaty must be renegotiated to align it with new global development and set the accountability on the nuclear weapon States. It should not be discriminatory towards the non-nuclear weapons states.