[Answered] Discuss the history of insurgency and violence in Manipur. How have these historical factors influenced the current situation in the state?

Introduction: Give an account of historical violence in Manipur

Body: State historical factors are responsible for the current situation

Conclusion: What should be the future course of action

Recently Manipur was in the news following violence between Meiteis and the Kukis, after High Court asked State Government to recommend Scheduled Tribe (ST) status to Meiteis. Manipur has a history of ethnic violence between tribals and those living in valleys. Manipur has a long history of insurgency movements. Post-independence, Naga national movement fight for an independent Nagalim touched parts of Manipur. Simultaneously, Meitis in Manipur were opposing the merger agreement between Maharaja Bodhachandra, and the Indian government.

Numerous insurgent groups like the United National Liberation Front (UNLF), the People’s Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PREPAK), and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), were formed which received arms and training from China & demanding secession from India. The Indian Government responded by enacting Armed Forces Special Powers Act in 1958 to deal with law and order issues. As the law-and-order situation gradually improved, AFSPA has been repealed in several areas.

Which historical factors are responsible for the current situation?

  • Meitei dominance: Meiteis form 52% of the population of Manipur and predominantly reside in valley areas which are 10% of the total land of the state. The state was ruled by Meitei rulers and so there is a dominance of Meiteis in the cultural sphere.
  • Socio-Economic issues: Meiteis feel that since they are Vaishnav Hindus and it is illegal for them to relocate to hill areas which are reserved for ST they are deprived of political and economic benefits and right to occupy 90% of the territory of the State.
  • Border states: Insurgency in border states like Nagaland and Mizoram has spillover effects The demand for Greater Nagalim has also led to ethnic violence in Manipur.
  • Land boundary disputes: There have been instances of land disputes between Meiteis and Kukis. There have also been instances of communal disputes between Meiteis who belong to the Vaishnav Hindu sect and Manipur Muslims called Pangals.
  • International Neighbour: Manipur shares a border with Myanmar which is often used by insurgent groups to be a base for their soldiers and get arms from China.


The government of India has taken various steps like protracted military operations, peace talks, and political negotiations, improved means of communication in the region, development, and the granting of Statehood to deal with the insurgency problem in the state. The administrative and judicial interventions in the Land Act should not be done in haste and take into account the sensitivities of the tribals and bridge the trust deficit between the communities.

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