[Answered] Discuss the impact of cross-border terrorism on India’s internal security and the measures taken by India to counter this threat.
Red Book
Red Book

Introduction: Contextual Introduction

Body: Highlight the impact of cross-border terrorism on Internal security & measures taken to counter this threat.

Conclusion: Way forward

The Reasi terrorist attack of June 9, shows that cross-border terrorism poses a significant threat to India’s internal security in several ways.

Impact of Cross-Border Terrorism on India’s Internal Security

  • Loss of Life and Property: Terrorist attacks target civilians and security forces, leading to casualties and injuries. This creates a climate of fear and disrupts normalcy.
  • Destabilization of Regions: Infiltration of militants from across the border fuels insurgencies and secessionist movements, particularly in Jammu and Kashmir. This weakens the government’s control and undermines national unity.
  • Strained Communal Harmony: Terrorist attacks often target specific communities, leading to social tension and communal violence.
  • Economic Disruption: Tourism and investment are deterred by security concerns, impacting economic growth. Infrastructure damage due to attacks further strains resources.
  • Erosion of Public Confidence: Repeated terrorist attacks can erode public trust in the government’s ability to ensure security.
  • Security Forces’ Morale: Continuous threats from cross-border terrorism affect the morale of security forces, necessitating heightened vigilance and operational readiness.

Measures Taken by India to Counter Cross-Border Terrorism

  • Strengthening Border Security: This includes physical barriers like fencing, improved surveillance with technology, and increased deployment of security forces.
  • Intelligence Gathering and Sharing: Enhanced intelligence gathering helps identify and track terrorist activities. India cooperates with international agencies and friendly nations for information sharing.
  • Law Enforcement Measures: Anti-terrorism laws empower authorities to investigate, arrest, and prosecute terrorists. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) focuses on investigating major terror attacks.
  • Multilateral Diplomacy: India actively participates in international forums to build consensus against terrorism and isolate countries supporting it.
  • Modernization of Security Forces: Equipping security forces with advanced weaponry, training, and equipment improves their ability to counter terrorist threats.
  • Addressing Root Causes: India addresses social and economic factors that might make some vulnerable to radicalization.


India’s fight against cross-border terrorism requires a multi-pronged approach, including continuous improvement in border security, robust intelligence gathering, and international cooperation.

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