[Answered] Discuss the implications and rationale behind the imposition of 20 percent TCS (Tax collected at source) on credit card usage abroad.

Introduction: Provide a brief introduction on ‘20% TCS’ rule on international credit card expenditure.
Body: Write 3-4 points on the Implications of the imposition of 20 percent TCS on credit card usage abroad. Write 2-3 Rationale behind the Imposition. Write 2-3 points on the ways it can be tackled.
Conclusion: Provide a neutral conclusion on this Imposition.


From 1st July, 2023, a new rule called ‘20% TCS’ under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) will be applied to international credit card expenses. The government aims to collect tax on foreign transactions, excluding medical and education costs. This has sparked discussions and concerns among taxpayers and experts.

What are the Implications of the imposition of 20 percent TCS on credit card usage abroad?

  • Increased Financial Burden: Travellers and individuals making international transactions will need to set aside additional funds to accommodate the 20% TCS. This change will result in higher upfront costs and immediate cash outflow for travellers.
  • Impact on Overseas Spending: The increased TCS rate may deter wealthy individuals from making big purchases or spending heavily abroad. People may now plan their trips and expenses more cautiously to avoid breaking the rules.
  • Compliance Burden: Banks and financial institutions will face increased compliance obligations due to the revision. They will be responsible for deducting and collecting the TCS amount, adding to their administrative burden.
  • Limited Exemptions: The 20% TCS will apply to most international transactions, except for medical and education expenses. This could create difficulties for individuals involved in other overseas transactions, impacting sectors like tourism & international commerce.

What is the Rationale behind the Imposition?

  • Tax Evasion Control: The TCS aims to combat tax evasion linked to specific goods and services. Imposing the tax on international transactions promotes taxpayer accountability and helps curb tax evasion.
  • Enhanced Control on Foreign Remittances: The TCS increase strengthens central bank oversight of foreign remittances, monitoring and regulating the outflow of funds to ensure compliance with foreign exchange regulations.
  • Addressing Economic Impact: The long-term impact on the economy resulting from the TCS revision is yet to be fully understood. The government aims to evaluate and compute the economic consequences after the implementation of the new rules.

Way Forward:

  • While experts express concerns and propose alternative viewpoints, it is essential to await further details and clarifications from the government regarding the proposed amendment.
  • As the 5% TCS rule is still in effect until June 30, the implications and practicality of the 20% TCS can only be fully comprehended once more information is provided.


The new 20% TCS on credit card spending abroad aims to prevent tax evasion. However, its impact on people and the economy raises concerns and awaits further government clarification. As the government further develops and clarifies the details of this amendment, it remains to be seen how these changes will affect taxpayers and the overall economy.

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