[Answered] Evaluate the challenges and opportunities for India in maintaining its strategic ties with the Maldives, especially in light of the “India Out” campaign.

Introduction: Give recent context to the question.

Body: Challenges and opportunities for India in dealing with Maldives

Conclusion: Way forward

Recently, President-elect Mohamed Muizzu spearheaded the “India Out” campaign & is perceived to be too close to the Chinese administration which could raise concern in India as both nations share geographical proximity, convergent security interests, and cultural affinities

Challenges for India in maintaining its strategic ties with Maldives

  • Increase Chinese influence: China has been increasing its engagement in the Indian Ocean region, including in the Maldives, by undertaking infrastructure projects and making significant economic investments. India encounters competition in preserving its influence in the face of China’s expanding presence. Maldives administration has endorsed China’s Belt & Road Initiative raising concern in India about Maldives’ role as an important strategic partner of India.
  • “India Out” Campaign: The “India Out” campaign, which advocates for a reduction in Indian influence in the Maldives, presents a significant challenge. It reflects the sentiments of some sections of the Maldivian population that are concerned about perceived Indian interference in domestic affairs.
  • Protecting India’s investments: The “India out” campaign poses a challenge for India to secure its investments in infrastructure like the Greater Male connectivity project, development assistance in education & health & finally concern for expatriate workers working in Maldives.

Opportunities for India to maintain its strategic ties with Maldives

  • Respect Maldives sovereignty: India should be sensitive to Maldivian concerns about sovereignty and interference, emphasizing its commitment to respecting the Maldives’ independence and supporting its development goals.
  • Strategic partnership: Maldives’ proximity to the west coast of India and its position at the hub of commercial sea lanes running through the Indian Ocean imbues it with strategic importance for India.
  • Neighbourhood First policy:  Under the Neighbourhood First policy and Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR), security cooperation between the two countries has grown. India has reinforced its credentials to be the first responder for Maldives during times of crisis like COVID-19, tsunami crisis, and water scarcity.
  • Increase development assistance: India needs to increase its development assistance in Maldives which estimates suggest was over 1100 crore during 2018-22. India has invested heavily in projects like water and sanitation, an Addu development project, a cancer hospital, a port project, a cricket stadium, two airport development projects, the Greater Male connectivity project with bridges, causeways, and roads, social housing projects, renovation of a mosque, building the national college for police, among others.


The India-Maldives relationship is built on a strong foundation, marked by India’s historical support during various crises and people-to-people ties. India needs to actively strengthen its ties with the Maldives while remaining sensitive to the Maldivian perspective and concerns.

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