Introduction: Contextual introduction. Body: Explain how extreme heat could worsen economic output. Also write some mitigative measures. Conclusion: Write a way forward. |
According to World Meteorological Organisation, the average annual temperatures have already gone above 1.2 degrees Celsius from pre-industrial times. According to IMD, some parts of India are experiencing temperatures that are exceptional for mid-March and are at least 9 degrees above average. Experts are concerned about the exceptionally high temperatures.
How extreme heat could worsen economic output?
- Reduced agricultural productivity: Crops thrive within a narrow range of temperatures. While a small temperature increase can lead to a sharp drop in yields for grains like wheat, chickpeas, and mustard seeds. Last year’s (2022) heat brought wheat production down by roughly 10 percent or almost 11 million metric tons.
- Employees are less productive during hot weather, even if they work inside, while children struggle to learn in extreme heat, resulting in lower lifetime earnings which in turn hurt future economic growth.
- Rising temperatures can hurt labour productivity. This includes outdoor sectors like construction sites and street vendors and indoor sectors such as cloth weaving, garment sewing and steel infrastructural products. This is because workers will work less and absenteeism will increase.
- Economists estimate that worker productivity declines by 2-4% with every degree Celsius increase in the temperature above normal levels,
- Denial of sleep at the night also hurts the ability to work the next day.
Mitigative measures:
- Change in forecast model: The forecasting model used by the Reserve Bank of India, the Quarterly Forecasting Model can be used in predicting heat waves also.
- Innovative model: A collaborative effort by the government, private sector and voluntary organizations must invest in new building materials for homes as well as factories. Private investments in new roofing solutions to cool down homes in urban slums should be encouraged.
- Urban greening: where more trees and other vegetation can help to cool down cities and towns.
- Climate smart agricultural practices like aerobic cultivation, cover-crop method, micro-irrigation, rainwater harvesting should be promoted.
- Adaptive technologies and practices including resilient agro-pastoral practices, water management and rehabilitation of ecosystems should be promoted.
- Fast-tracking the switch to clean energy sources is vital to dealing with the issue of the heat wave.
The solution to climate change lies in understanding the impact of climate change in our life and taking steps to achieve climate resilience. Urban greening can help to cool down cities and towns.