[Answered] “Rivers have no boundaries and no regions.” In light of this statement discuss various consequences of stopping river sharing to Pakistan. Do you think it is morally correct to stop sharing of river water to Pakistan?

Demand of the question
Introduction. Contextual Introduction.
Body. Consequences of stopping river sharing to Pakistan. Is it moral to stop river water sharing to Pakistan?
Conclusion. Way forward.

Indus Water Treaty was signed between India and Pakistan, over the utilisation of water of 6 rivers (Indus System) that flow through in India and then reach Pakistan. According to IWT, 3 eastern rivers namely Ravi, Beas and Sutlej are under control of India and 3 western rivers namely Indus, Jhelum and Chenab are under the control of Pakistan. Recently, due to rising India-Pakistan tensions, there are voices of reducing river water shared with Pakistan. It will not only affect Pakistan but would also have some consequences to India.

Consequences of stopping river sharing to Pakistan:

  1. Any form of India’s open withdrawal from the treaty will draw the World Bank into the dispute and in support of Pakistan. This would further deteriorate India’s relations with Pakistan.
  2. If India decides to withdraw from the treaty, Pakistan may take India to International Court of Justice (ICJ).
  3. The Indus Treaty was mediated by the World Bank who is also a signatory. The reactions of the World Bank to the abrogation of the Treaty would be adverse, as would have been the reactions of the international community in general.
  4. From the position of being praised for the steadfast maintenance of the Treaty, India will face international displeasure for violating the treaty.
  5. Other countries with which India has similar treaties (Nepal, Bangladesh) might found their faith in India shaken and become apprehensive about their own treaties with us.
  6. If India decides to ignore international norms and treats the Indus waters as a weapon to punish Pakistan, it will unfortunately lead to huge human insecurity in the neighbouring country that is environmentally and politically incorrect that would lead death of many people because of famine and it would harm some endangered species also.
  7. Stopping water will give Pakistan the reason to defend its terrorist attacks on India and justify their acts of terrorism to Pakistani peoples. Terrorist would use this as a tool to radicalise youth for terrorist activities.
  8. If India breaks the treaty and stop water, India’s image around the world would be impacted and would give other countries reason to take side with Pakistan for whatever reason. So it will damage India’s reputation as a peace loving country.
  9. India may face environmental damage. Building dams could also cause flood in the area.

Is it moral to stop river water sharing to Pakistan?

  1. Ending river water sharing unilaterally is immoral and inhumane as it would lead to famine like situation causing death of several innocents.
  2. Further, it is not needed to stop river water sharing as Pakistan is already under pressure internationally for sponsoring terrorists and is under threat of being blacklisted by FATF.
  3. It will further deteriorate India’s relations with Pakistan to lowest level and would further increase the threat of attacks on India jeopardising India’s security and peace.
  4. It is inhuman and immoral to segregate rivers as boundaries and a tool to put pressure on anyone.
  5. It is against principle of nature and natural justice.

It is true that recent relations between India and Pakistan are strained to a new low. By stopping river water to Pakistan it would be injustice to humanity and would be an immoral act. What is needed is that India should resolve its issues with Pakistan bilaterally and should not stop basic natural resources to Pakistan, as instead of serving the purpose, it would lead to further low in India Pakistan relations.

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