[Answered] The COP27 agreement on loss and damage is significant, but the meeting did not address several other pressing issues. Analyze the statement.
Red Book
Red Book

Introduction: Contextual introduction.
Body: Explain why COP27 agreement on loss and damage is significant. Also write several other pressing issues that are not addressed by COP27 meeting.Conclusion: Write a way forward.

Loss and damage (L&D) refers to impacts of climate change that cannot be avoided either by mitigation or adaptation. They also include not only economic damage to property but also loss of livelihoods, and the destruction of biodiversity and sites that have cultural importance. The countries at the COP27 in Egypt have decided to establish a ‘Loss and Damages’ fund.

Why COP27 agreement on loss and damage is significant?

  • The fund will be aimed at helping developing countries that are “particularly vulnerable” to the effects of climate change.
  • The establishment of such a fund could have positive repercussions in climate circles and beyond. For example, several Pacific Island nations have been pushing for the International Court of Justice to strengthen international laws to include climate change. The establishment of a loss and damage fund could augment those arguments.
  • It also involves loss of livelihoods, the eradication of biodiversity, and the demolition of culturally significant locations. This increases the potential for impacted countries to seek compensation.
  • The fund would initially draw on contributions from developed countries (greatest emitters) and other private and public sources such as international financial institutions.

Other issues:

  • The COP27 does mention that $4 trillion will be required every year to meet the renewable energy targets till 2030. Yet, the rich countries are nowhere close to delivering on their commitment to provide $100 billion every year.
  • It leaves discussions for how this fund is to be set up and who will pay how much to it, for future COP negotiations.
  • It is not clear whether the new fund will be housed within the UNFCCC or outside of it.
  • The definition of “particularly vulnerable” is a bone of contention, with experts commenting that such distinctions only serve to sow divisions among developing countries, and that the fund should be open to all developing countries.

Even while the progress is gradual, nations must maintain their momentum and put up more effort to make sure that COPs continue to serve as credible catalysts.

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