[Answered] What do you mean by integral humanism? Discuss the relevance of integral humanism in modern times?
Red Book
Red Book

Introduction: Explain integral humanism.
Body: Explain the relevance of integral humanism in modern times.
Conclusion: Write a way forward.

Integral Humanism was a set of concepts drafted by Deendayal Upadhyaya as political program and adopted in 1965 as the official doctrine of the Jan Sangh. It was developed as an indigenous economic model with human being at center stage. This approach made this concept different from Socialism and Capitalism.

Tracing its origins to the non-dualistic philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, integral humanism propagated the oneness of various souls, be it of human, animal or plant origin. Rejecting the intrinsic diversity based on race, colour, caste or religion, it identified all human beings as part of this one organic whole, sharing a common consciousness of national thought. It rejected social systems in which individualism ‘reigned supreme’. It also rejected communism in which individualism was ‘crushed’ as part of a ‘large heartless machine


  • It places the welfare of human as the primary motto of any society.
  • A large population of our world lives in poverty. After having tried various development models with mixed results, the world is in search of model of development which is integrated and sustainable.
  • He believed that every individual, family and our society has a role to play in the development of our nation.
  • The purpose of politics is to bring about social and economic changes.
  • Policies and principles that can balance the use the labour, natural resources and capital so that we can provide a life of dignity to every human being.
  • Full employment must be a primary consideration. Instead of the usual exhortation of “every worker must get food”, we must think of “everyone who eats must get work”, as the basis of our economy.

Conclusively, integral humanism builds on an organic thought. A nation, where all citizens identify themselves as a part of the same Indian ethos, where we modernise but do not westernise, where we have individual economic liberty but that which is coupled with social safety net.

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