Better farming. Direct-seeding method gains currency in India’s paddy growing regions
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Source: The post is based on the article “Better farming. Direct-seeding method gains currency in India’s paddy growing regions” published in The Hindu Businessline on 29th May 2023

What is the News?

Farmers in several leading rice-growing States are shifting to the direct-seeding method with rains getting delayed and the availability of labour becoming a challenge.

What is Direct-Seeding Method?

Direct Seeded Rice (DSR), also known as the ‘broadcasting seed technique,’ is a water-saving method of sowing paddy. In this method, seeds are directly drilled into the fields, eliminating the need for nursery preparation and transplantation.

What are the benefits in Direct-Seeding Method?

Low labour cost: Using drum seeders, two labourers can complete sowing on one acre in a day. In the traditional method of sowing seedlings, farmers will need at least 25-30 labourers.

Reduce time: By eliminating the need for nursery cultivation, farmers save approximately 30 days in the crop cycle. Further, this will also help farmer to start Rabi crops early.

Reduce water consumption: This method can help reduce water consumption by as much as 35% over the traditional process of transplanting rice seedlings from a nursery to waterlogged fields.

Yield increase: The yield under this method is one to two quintals per acre higher than puddled transplanted rice.

What are the challenges associated with Direct-Seeding Method?

The problem of weeds: The biggest challenge in the direct-seeding method is the problem of weeds. Weed begins to grow along with paddy. In the traditional method, the seedling is about 3-4 week old, allowing it out beat the weed growth.

Climate impacts: High temperatures and deficient rainfall can affect seed germination and crop growth.

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