The Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act aimed at regulating the content and operation of cable networks. This Act regulates the ‘haphazard mushrooming of cable television networks.
Important Provisions of Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act:
- Section 2: Under the Act, district magistrates, sub-divisional magistrates and police commissioners are the ‘authorised officers’ to ensure that the Programme Code is not breached.
- Section 3: No person shall operate a cable television network unless he is registered as a cable operator under this Act.
- Section 4A: It is obligatory for cable operators to transmit programmes of any channel in an encrypted form through a digital addressable system when the centre asks them to do so.
- Section 19: Authorised officer has power to prohibit transmission of certain programmes in public interest if it promotes, disharmony or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill-will between different religious, racial, linguistic or regional groups or castes or communities.
- Section 20: The government can regulate or prohibit the transmission or retransmission of any programme that it feels is not in conformity with the Programme and Advertising Code, which oversees television content in India.