Chandrayaan-II to be launched in April
Red Book
Red Book

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Chandrayaan-II to be launched in April


  • India’s second moon mission, Chandrayaan-II, which would land a rover on the lunar surface is expected to be launched in April this year.
  • Chandrayaan-I discovered water on the moon and this will mission will be  an extension of that.

About Chandrayaan II:

  • Chandrayaan-II would cost about Rs. 800 crore.
  • It  has three components: an orbiter, a lander and a moon rover.
  • The orbiter had a life of one year while the lander and the rover were designed to last a lunar day, which was 14 days, as they worked on solar power.
  • A location had been identified at the Moon’s South Pole to drop the lander and rover.
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