Children living in jails worries SC
Red Book
Red Book

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 10th August. Click Here for more information.

Children living in jails worries SC


  1. A committee headed by a retired judge of the Supreme Court will be formed to tackle the issue of children living with mother in prisons

Important facts:

2. The order came after Supreme Court’s advocate submitted a report showing that there is lack of space of women inmates.

3. He also pointed out that these jails were not modeled to house women inmates, especially those with minor children staying with them.

4. The panel will focus on the following aspects:

  • The panel will study the problems of mothers and children living inside prisons.
  • The committee would also look into what reforms could be introduced within the prison walls.

5.  The court said that following measures should be taken for prison reforms:

  • The Centre should issue a notification on the setting up of the committee, highlighting the importance of prison reforms and the fundamental right to life with dignity of the prisoners.
  • Training manuals to be circulated to the Director-General of Prisons and Secretaries of Prison Department in each State government /UT.
  • Criminals sentenced to imprisonment for six months or a year should be allocated social service duties rather than be sent to further choke the already overflowing prisons.
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