Red Book
Red Book

A confederation is a union of sovereign groups or states united for purposes of common action. In a confederation membership of states with the confederation is voluntary and the federal government is accountable to them. So, in a confederation central government is subordinate to the regional-level government.

The concept of confederation has been utilized throughout history as a means of unifying states or territories under a common government, while still allowing for some degree of autonomy and self-governance.

In India, the idea of a confederation has been debated for many years, with various groups and individuals advocating for its implementation.

Advantages of Confederation

  • Confederation could help to address these challenges by allowing individual states or territories to have more control over their own affairs, while still remaining part of a larger union.
  • It could potentially lead to greater cooperation and collaboration between different regions of the country.
  • It would lead to more effective governance at the local level.

Disadvantages of Confederation

  • It could potentially lead to greater fragmentation and instability within the country. I
  • India is already a highly diverse and complex nation, and implementing a confederation could potentially exacerbate existing tensions and create fissiparous tendencies in the country.
  • Confederation could lead to a lack of uniformity and consistency in terms of laws and regulations. This could potentially lead to confusion and conflict between different states or territories and could make it more difficult for the central government to effectively manage the country as a whole.
  • Confederation could potentially lead to a lack of accountability and oversight. If individual states or territories are given too much autonomy, there is a risk that they could abuse their power or act in ways that are detrimental to the overall well-being of the country.
CONFEDERATION                       FEDERATION
SovereigntyHeld by the member states. In a Confederation, the federal government is accountable to the member states, who are the ultimate authority.Held by the federal government. In a Federation, the federal government will hold the ultimate authority and the member states will be subordinate to it.
Central AuthorityThe central authority of a confederation is usually a weak body appointed by the member states.The central authority of a federation is a federal government which governs the member states.
Powers of the Central AuthorityUsually will focus on joint foreign policy and defense matters, but rarely will have the power to do much more than that.Determined by the constitution of the federation, but will generally have rights to exercise control over the diplomatic, military, economic, and legal spheres of the member states.


Examples of Confederation


  • In Switzerland, power is decentralized to the individual Cantons (states), with a weak federal government that has limited powers.
  • The Cantons retain significant autonomy and are considered to be sovereign entities. The federal government is responsible for coordinating policy and resolving disputes between the cantons, but its powers are limited to those explicitly granted to it by the cantons. Switzerland is often cited as an example of a successful confederation.

United Arab Emirates

  • In the United Arab Emirates, power is similarly decentralized to the individual emirates, with a federal government that has limited powers. The emirates retain significant autonomy and are considered to be sovereign entities.
  • The federal government is responsible for coordinating policy and resolving disputes between the emirates, but its powers are limited to those explicitly granted to it by the emirates.
  • The UAE is a relatively young country, having been formed in 1971, and its federal system has evolved over time to balance the interests of the individual emirates with the needs of the country as a whole.
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