Drug resistance among top threats: WHO

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Drug resistance among top threats: WHO


Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) has been identified as one of the 10 threats to global health in 2019 by World Health Organization (WHO)

Important facts

What is AMR?

  • AMR is resistance of a microorganism to an antimicrobial drug that was originally effective for treatment of infections caused by it.

Why India needs to curb antibiotic overuse?

  1. According to Scoping Report on Antimicrobial Resistance in India, in 2014, India was the highest consumer of antibiotics.
  2. India has some of the highest antibiotic resistance rates among bacteria that commonly cause infections in the community and healthcare facilities. Further, more and more drug resistant bacteria are being identified.
  3. India’ bacterial disease burden is the highest in the world.
  4. Large population suffers from diseases like heart ailments, diabetes, cancer and are more prone to infections
  5. 40% children are malnourished and at risk of infections

Initiative taken by India

National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance, 2017: The objectives include-

  1. Awareness and understanding through education, communication and training,
  2. Strengthening knowledge and evidence through surveillance,
  3. Infection prevention and control,
  4. Optimised antimicrobial use in health, animals and food,
  5. AMR-related research and innovation
  6. Strengthened leadership and commitment at international, national and sub-national levels

Additional Facts:

The other major threats listed by WHO as 10 threats to global health in 2019 include HIV, Ebola, dengue, vaccine hesitancy, air pollution and climate change.

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