Ethnically or Racially Motivated Terrorism Financing
Red Book
Red Book

The FATF finalised a report on the funding behind ethnically or racially motivated terrorism, also referred to as extreme right-wing terrorism (ERW).

Why FATF is preparing a report on ERW?

  • Extreme right-wing attacks have increased in recent years, highlighting the need to raise awareness about this complex phenomenon and its financing.
  • While most ERW attacks were carried out by self-funded lone actors, they can also involve small and medium organisations, as well as transnational extreme right-wing movements.
  • While ERW groups do obtain funding from criminal activity, most funding comes from legal sources, such as donations, membership fees, and commercial activities.
  • The report highlights the challenges in tackling the financing of ERW and preventing attacks.

Challenges in Dealing with ERW groups

  • Few countries have designated ERW groups as terrorists and there are differences in the countries’ legal regimes for addressing ERW activity.
  • ERW groups are becoming increasingly sophisticated in the way they move and use funds and there are growing transnational links between the groups.

The report encourages countries to continue to develop their understanding of this increasingly transnational criminal activity, by considering ethnically or racially motivated terrorism financing (EoRMTF) in their national risk assessments. It also encourages public, private, and international partners to work together to identify the threats and exchange best practices on combating EoRMTF. This report will be published on 30 June.

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