Galo Community
Red Book
Red Book

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News:The members of the Galo community in Arunachal Pradesh can recall the name of their ancestor from 20 generations ago i.e. right up to the founder of their clan.This is made possible by their system of naming.


About Galos:

  • The Galos belong to the Tani group inhabiting Assam and Arunachal Pradesh,besides Tibet.
  • They are one of the 26 major communities of Arunachal Pradesh.They are listed as Scheduled tribe since 1950.
  • They trace their common origin to a primeval ancestor named Abotani. But unlike the other communities,only the Galos maintain genealogy through given names.
  • They have a system of prefixing the second syllable of a father’s name to that of a son who passes on the suffix in his name to his son.
  • Hence,they can trace the names of ancestors from the first syllable or prefix of our names. 
  • Mopin is the main festival in Galos which is celebrated in the month of April for the prosperity and wealth of the villages

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