IAS RANK 8: Nitish K shares his 11 Tips For Success At Civil Services

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 26th June. Click Here for more information.

Nitish K has secured Rank 8 at the Civil Services Examination 2014.

1. It’s Possible to Clear IAS in First Attempt.

With right approach, it is possible to clear this exam in first attempt But don’t get disheartened if you fail. Don’t give up. Introspect and rectify your mistakes. Hit back with greater effort. When I missed getting a rank by 10 marks in first attempt, I was very disappointed. But I read that year toppers’ interviews. I told myself if they can do it why can’t I do. I was very angry on myself for not clearing and this made me more determined to clear this exam.

2. Get the right company

Try to prepare with a group of serious There is no point is befriending non-serious aspirants. They will lead to your failure. Be very careful in choosing your friends. Consistency and discipline are key to success. I have seen lots of people who work very hard for first 1-2  months and later their preparation decays exponentially. Have a timetable and follow it religiously.

3. Make a Time Table

My daily study routine for past four years is like this – 8 to 9:30, 10 to 1:30, 4 to 8:30 and 9:30 to 12:30. Make your own timetable and give some time in between (say ½ hour) for relaxing. The idea is you should be comfortable with your timetable and not get frustrated.

4.  Clear Prelims Well.

Clear prelims by a comfortable margin. This is very important so that you start preparing for mains seriously without waiting for prelims results. You will not be worrying all the time about Prelims result while you prepare for Mains.

5.  Practice Answer Writing.

Practice answer writing for GS, essay and optional regularly. It is the key to success at Civil Services. Insights website is helpful in this regard.

6. Digital Notes

For GS make notes, preferably on Evernote as it consumes less time and easy to edit and revise.

7. Follow few Qualitative Sources

Don’t spend too much time on Internet searching for materials, news etc. Many aspirants spend hours on internet and think they are preparing. But actually they would be aimlessly jumping from website to another without any value addition. It is better to follow few sources that are qualitative.

8. Read Repeatedly

Also many have this habit of filling their rooms with all kinds of books, material, photocopies etc., which they won’t study even one page. Buy a maximum of 2 books per subject and read them repeatedly. You need not do research on each and every topic. You should just understand them and be able to give simple and clear answers in exam.

9. Finish Mains Syllabus Before Prelims

Try to finish UPSC  Mains syllabus before Prelims. Because after prelims you will be having time only for revision and answer writing.

10. Coaching only by consulting seniors

Join coaching only by consulting many seniors. Don’t be fooled by huge photographs of toppers in advertisements. Many would have appeared only for Test Series or Mock Interviews and coaching centers would claim that they were part of classroom coaching.

11. Have Faith

Finally don’t get your confidence lowered by all the negative comments made by your friends and relatives. Have faith in your hard work. Promise yourself to work harder and prove all your critics wrong. If you work hard, then luck (God) will help you.

This article first appeared on Insights on India : Nitin K Rank 8 Preparation Strategy

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