Impact of AI on jobs and how social forces shape technology development
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Impact of AI on jobs

Source: The post impact of AI on jobs and how social forces shape technology development has been created, based on the article “Socially construct the right Al” published in “Business standard” on 6th May 2024.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 3-Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life

Context: The article discusses the impact of AI on jobs and how social forces shape technology development. It mentions concerns about AI replacing jobs, but also points out how technology like AI can add value to businesses without reducing employee numbers. Impact of AI on jobs and how social forces shape technology development

What are the impacts of AI?

Positive Impacts of AI:

Improved Efficiency: AI improves search results and product recommendations, leading to better inventory management as noted by Jeff Bezos. This contributes to business growth and increased employment at companies like Amazon.

Conversational Interfaces: AI like ChatGPT uses human-like conversational styles, making technology more accessible and user-friendly.

Negative Impacts of AI:

Job Losses: AI is projected to cause significant job losses in sectors like call centers in India, affecting over 300,000 workers, and potentially 300 million white-collar jobs globally as per Goldman Sachs.

Public Misconception: A risk of deceptive claims about AI’s capabilities, prompting government bodies like the America’s Federal Trade Commission to caution against exaggerations that could mislead consumers.

For details information on impacts of AI read Article 1, Article 2, Article 3

How do social forces influence technology?

SCOT Theory: The Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) theory argues that technology’s direction and pace are steered by social dynamics, not just technical capabilities, evidenced by the collective scholarly efforts described in “The Social Construction of Technological Systems”.

Direction of Development: Social forces shape the direction and speed of technological advancements, as seen with AI where technology is developed to reduce headcounts for increased profits.

Adoption and Evolution: The bicycle evolved due to social needs, from a pedal-less version to the safety bicycle with equal-sized wheels and chain drives, widely adopted for its practicality and as a symbol of modernity.

For details information on Social and Political Impacts of AI read this Article here

What should be the approach to developing AI?

Regulate Claims and Expectations: Governments should regulate AI claims to prevent deceptive practices, following the FTC’s example of cautioning against overhyped capabilities.

Enhance Value Addition: AI should aim to add genuine value beyond replacing jobs, similar to Amazon’s use of AI for improving inventory management and customer experience, leading to business growth and not merely reducing employee headcount.

Question for practice:

Discuss the relationship between social forces and the development of technology, particularly focusing on how these forces shape the direction, pace, and adoption of technologies like AI.

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