Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
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Source: The post is based on the article 19th Working Party on Data Collection and Statistics of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission inaugurates today at Mumbai published in “PIB” on 28th November 2023

Why in the News?

The Department of Fisheries is organizing the 19th Working Party on Data Collection and Statistics (WPDCS19) of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) in Mumbai.

What is the 19th Working Party on Data Collection and Statistics?

1) It will bring together the renowned Scientists and Experts in the field of Tuna fisheries from all around the world.

2) The scientist will analyse the existing scientific methods adopted by various countries in data collection, compilation, and reporting to IOTC for the purpose of resource assessments and will come out with advanced and simplified methods.

3) This meeting will be followed by the main Scientific Committee meeting of the IOTC which will consider the recommendations of the WPDCS and various other working parties for scientific recommendations relating to sustainable management of tuna and tuna like species in the Indian Ocean.

What is the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission?

Specifications Details 
Type Intergovernmental Organization 
Established in 1993 (came into force in 1996) 
Secretariat Victoria, Seychelles 
Aim 1) It is responsible for the management of tuna and tuna-like species in the Indian Ocean.
2) It seeks to do this by promoting cooperation among its Contracting Parties (Members) and Cooperating Non-Contracting Parties in order to ensure the conservation and appropriate utilisation of fish stocks and encouraging the sustainable development of fisheries. 
Members 30 Contracting Parties (India joined as a member in 1995)
– Liberia is a Cooperating Non-Contracting Party 
Binding decisions The decisions taken by commission are binding on all Members and non-Contracting Parties. 

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