Indian Society Redbook

Redbook on Indian Society and Social Issues

The Indian social system is a complex and diverse web of traditions, customs, beliefs, and practices that have evolved over centuries. To crack the UPSC examination, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the Indian social system. This book provides a comprehensive guide to the various aspects of the Indian social system that are relevant to the UPSC examination.

Chapter 1: Salient Features of Indian Society

  • This chapter provides an overview of the Indian social system, including its cultural, linguistic, religious, and ethnic diversity. It also covers the social and economic stratification in Indian society, the role of religion in Indian society, and the significance of family and kinship in Indian society.

Chapter 2: Caste System in India

  • This chapter delves into the caste system, which is one of the defining features of Indian society. It covers the origins and evolution of the caste system, the various caste groups and their sub-groups, the impact of the caste system on Indian society, and the measures taken to eradicate caste-based discrimination.

Chapter 3: Effects of Globalization on Indian Society

  • This chapter discusses the impact of globalization on the Indian social system. It covers the changes that have occurred in Indian society due to globalization, including the rise of the middle class, changing consumption patterns, and the emergence of new social identities.

Chapter 4: Women and Children Issues

  • This chapter examines the issues related to women and children in Indian society. It covers topics such as gender discrimination, violence against women, child labor, and child abuse. The chapter also highlights the measures taken by the government and civil society to address these issues.

Chapter 5: Social Empowerment

  • This chapter focuses on social empowerment, which is an essential aspect of the Indian social system. It covers the various schemes and programs launched by the government to promote social empowerment, including affirmative action policies and social welfare programs.

Chapter 6: Population and related issues

  • This chapter discusses the various population-related issues that are relevant to the Indian social system. It covers topics such as population growth, family planning, and the impact of population growth on the environment.

Chapter 7: Regionalism and Communalism

  • This chapter covers the issues of regionalism and communalism, which have been a source of tension in Indian society. It examines the root causes of these issues and the measures taken to address them.

Chapter 8: Poverty and Developmental Issues

  • This chapter discusses the issues of poverty and developmental challenges in Indian society. It covers topics such as rural poverty, urban poverty, poverty alleviation schemes, and sustainable development.

Chapter 9: Health and Nutritional Issues

  • This chapter analyzes the issues related to healthcare and nutrition in India, including healthcare infrastructure, disease burden, and malnutrition. It discusses the government’s policies and initiatives to improve healthcare and nutritional outcomes.

Chapter 10: Education  

  • This chapter explores the issues related to education in India, including access to education, quality of education, and challenges present in the system. It also comprehensively covers the Right to Education Act and National Education Policy. A special focus has also been given to contemporary topics such as Pandemic and role of Online Education.

Chapter 11: Urbanisation

  • The last chapter focuses on Urbanisation in India. It delves deep into the features of Urbanization in India and the peculiarities attached to it. This chapter also focuses on the problems arising out of Urbanization and how Government measures have addressed these challenges.

The book is written in an easy-to-understand language, with a focus on providing practical insights and examples. The content is relevant, up-to-date, and appeals to UPSC aspirants. This book is a must-read for anyone preparing for the UPSC examination, as it provides a comprehensive understanding of Indian Society and Social Issues. So, hurry up and grab a copy of this book to boost your preparation for the UPSC examination!

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