India’s law and order matrix needs a reboot
Red Book
Red Book

Current Affairs Classes Pre cum Mains 2025, Batch Starts: 11th September 2024 Click Here for more information

Source– The post is based on the article “India’s law and order matrix needs a reboot” published in The Hindu on 11th February 2023.

Syllabus: GS3- Security

Relevance– Reform in police force

News– The annual All India Conference of Directors General/Inspectors General of Police which was held recently.

What are issues related to the conference of DGPs?

There is a proliferation of subjects up for discussion in recent conferences, and the presence of increasing numbers of delegates to cover the various subjects. It leaves little scope for any in-depth discussion.

Today’s security threats have an all-embracing character. There is a need for in-depth discussions on futuristic themes in policing, such as cyber-crime, the dark web, and unchecked social media.

These are in addition to subjects such as left-wing extremism, counter-terrorism, drug tracking and border issues.

Lack of adequate time to discuss these matters in detail undermine the quality of the debates and possible outcomes.

Hence, decision making in these circumstances needs fundamental changes. There is a need for more purposeful discussion at higher levels.

What are the issues faced by police forces in modern times?

Law and order management today has not been given sufficient attention. This subject

may appear redundant in a world dominated by technology.

It demands a combination of newer skills, in both technology and crowd management. These are not available among security agencies.

The attention of most security forces in the country has essentially been devoted to ongoing threats such as terrorism.

A heavy-handed approach to deal with crowds creates more problems. This only leads to division between law enforcement agencies and the public.

Police forces have not spent enough attention to selection of personnel to security agencies. ‘Open-Source intelligence’ is often neglected by security agencies. The proper utilisation of it can become the critical factor in managing many law and order situations today.

There is a presence of multiple security agencies, including intelligence and investigative agencies. They seldom act with a common purpose.

Their techniques and methodologies tend to be different. It leads to contradictions in approach. They often hinder proper analysis and investigation.

What is the way forward for reform in the police force?

There is a need to bring about changes in intelligence techniques, investigative methodologies, and improving the ground situation.

Decision making in changed circumstances of the 21st century needs to undergo fundamental changes. There is a need for more purposeful discussion at higher levels.

Annual conferences of DGPs/IGPs can be split into two separate conferences. A higher-level conference of DGPs/IGPs should discuss policy related issues. A separate conference should be held of intelligence and security specialists to discuss the methodology, techniques and acquisition of new skills for current and future problems.

In the 21st century, security problems will grow at an exponential rate. The emerging challenges would require greater innovativeness and agility.

A new set of cognitive skills will be needed to meet the challenges posed by swift technological change and the rise of data war.

Managing today’s angry, and unruly mobs requires a fresh set of skills and inherent abilities, apart from technology.

Police and security agencies must be provided with the right attributes. They need to be adequately trained. This needs a top-down approach due to considerable competition of resources within the agencies for other items such weaponry and technology.

The selection of personnel to security agencies, especially the police will require a total makeover.

The police forces must be capable of dealing with modern criminals. They often employ a variety of tactics and skills. Police and security forces must develop a different mind-set. Force cannot be the answer to every situation.

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