Internet shutdowns in India: Measuring internet freedom in India in the last 10 years

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Measuring internet freedom in India in the last 10 years

Source: The post internet shutdowns in India has been created, based on the article “Measuring internet freedom in India in the last 10 years” published in “The Hindu” on 29th March 2024.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 3-Science and technology- Awareness in the fields of IT.

News: This article discusses the high number of internet shutdowns in India, often for national security but criticized for violating fundamental rights. Measuring internet freedom in India in the last 10 years

What is the status of internet shutdowns in India?

India has the highest number of internet shutdowns globally, with 780 imposed between 2014 and 2023.

In 2023, India experienced over 7,000 hours of internet blackouts.

Key incidents leading to shutdowns include the Citizenship Amendment Act protests in 2019, Article 370 abrogation in 2019, and Farm Bills protests in 2020.

Jammu and Kashmir faced the most shutdowns, totaling 433 in the past 12 years.

The longest shutdown in 2023 was in Manipur, lasting from May to December.

There’s debate over compliance with international standards, especially in cases like Jammu and Kashmir and Manipur.

Increased censorship: Over 55,000 websites and nearly 30,000 social media URLs were blocked between 2015 and 2022.

What laws govern internet shutdowns in India?

Indian Telegraph Act: Allows Indian states and territories to impose internet shutdowns during a “public emergency” or for “public safety.” The Act has been used to justify 780 shutdowns between 2014 and 2023. However, it doesn’t clearly define what constitutes an emergency or safety issue.

Section 69A of the IT Act: This law has been a basis for the censorship of online content. Under this Act, more than 55,000 websites were blocked between 2015 and 2022. It allows the government to block online content for various reasons, including national security.

Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act: URLs were often blocked for links to organizations banned under this Act. This includes the recent order to The Caravan, a news outlet, to remove a story alleging abuse by the Indian Army in Jammu’s Poonch district.

What are the reasons for internet shutdowns in India?

National Security and Public Order: Shutdowns often cite national security and public order, like during the Citizenship Amendment Act protests in 2019 and Article 370 abrogation.

Political Instability: Events like the introduction of Farm Bills in 2020 led to shutdowns to control unrest.

Ethnic Clashes: Regional conflicts, such as the ethnic clashes in Manipur in 2023, resulted in extended blackouts.

Control of Information: To restrict information flow during sensitive times, like the Jammu and Kashmir shutdowns.

Response to Protests: Shutdowns are a response to large-scale protests, as seen in Haryana amid farmers’ protests in early 2024.

What are the impacts of internet shutdowns in India?

Failure to Meet Global Standards: India’s internet shutdowns, have often not met the ‘three-part test’ under international law, which requires actions to be lawful, legitimate, and proportionate.

Economic Impact: India’s internet shutdowns led to over 70% of the global economic loss due to such blackouts in 2020.

Legal and Rights Challenges: The Supreme Court (Anuradha Bhasin v. Union of India case) declared indefinite internet shutdowns as a violation of fundamental rights. However, compliance with transparency in shutdown orders is poor.

Global Standing: Due to these frequent shutdowns, India’s global internet freedom ranking dropped from 59 points in 2016-2017 to 50 points in 2023.

Question for practice:

Discuss the legal framework, reasons, and impacts surrounding internet shutdowns in India.

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