Invitation : Prelims Revision Classes with ForumIAS | Delhi | Offline Only
Red Book
Red Book

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Last week I reached out to some of ForumIAS Community Members. I, in fact shared an article on the 19 things to keep in mind for Prelims 2022.

The Prelims is a tricky examination. Most of us have reached a point where nothing is getting in our head.

Reading black font on white paper makes little sense at this point.

At Forum, we know.

Sometime in 2017, when we went offline in New Delhi, we conducted a series of Prelims revision classes.

It was a dream come true. People slogged. Sat on the floor.

And gave us tremendous ranks that year.

I still remember a Forum Community Member @nandini ask  me in the class –

“Neyawn,  I am completely banking on Forum for this Prelims. I hope you won’t let us down.”

Nandini went on to join the IRS that year. Some people who sat on the floor went on to become IAS officers.

The girl in the pink T shirt on the left too joined IRS and decided not to write the exam.

No kidding, I even have a picture of the class. Here is it

The picture above is one of the early pictures of Forum, and is very close to my heart. I had kept this picture with me because I had thought that I will write a long post when the student sitting in the class – at the center of it – on the floor will crack the exam and become as IAS.

( I was a little disappointed when he did not get IAS at first. But then he did crack the Prelims, the Mains, the Interview and got IPS. And then I.A.S. – the apex of it all. The true end of one’s journey. Some day, I will write a blog post on his story too )

In fact, the student at the center in the red T shirt even got a Rank 3 that year.

That day, all of them had come to Forum with one single hope – We are done with studying and revising for Prelims. Can we just sit in a class and revise it all.

( In short, will you help us? )

This weekend, exactly one week before the Prelims, I invite you revise your prelims syllabus with ForumIAS, and help us help you succeed.

Forum will be conducting a series of Open Session for Prelims Revision Classes as per below schedule.

The Event is completely free, but you can pay what you want 😛 . If enough money is collected, we can buy everyone tea/ coffee 😛

  1. Friday  4PM – 7 PM – Indian Polity  – Registration Link
  2. Saturday 4PM – 7 PM – Art & Culture + Ancient & Medieval History – Registration Link
  3. Sunday 4PM – 7 PM – Modern History – Registration Link

Come join us, and we will ensure that in these series of classes, we will hit upon the most expected areas from which you can expect questions – basically areas that you should focus on , where there are chances of making errors- and where there are avenues of asking questions by the Commission.

This will also be an opportunity to revise the PYQS.

One last time.

Some of you have written long emails to me – unable to sit and study. Anxious about what to study and what to not. This part of the preparation journey is often lonely. In this small way, here is us making an effort to hold your hand through these times that matter the most.

This weekend, join us.

This weekend, let us study together.


Until next time,


Please note

The classes will be held in offline mode only at ForumIAS Offline Guidance Center,

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By Neyawn

Neyawn is an anonymous member the founder of ForumIAS. He is a coder Mentor & Teacher by profession, and often writes for ForumIAS. You can buy him coffee , if you really really like his work. He has built ForumIAS - the community - twice. You can say Hi to him or ask him a question on ForumIAS, or follow him on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn . You can also write to him at RxAxVxI@FOxRUMxIAS.COM ( remove the small "x" from the email ).
