IPCC Working Group III Report highlights the importance of lifestyle in climate discourse
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Source: The post is based on the articleIPCC Working Group III Report highlights the importance of lifestyle in climate discoursepublished in PIB on 21st January 2023.

What is the News?

The Co-chair of Working Group III (WG III) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has delivered a lecture on the importance of lifestyle in climate discourse.

What are the key highlights from the lecture?

Importance of Lifestyle in Climate discourse: As an outcome of COP27 at Egypt, the Sharm El-Sheikh Implementation Plan notes the importance of the transition to sustainable lifestyles and sustainable patterns of consumption and production to address climate change. 

– This is in line with the objectives of Mission LiFE launched by Indian Prime Minister in the presence of the UN Secretary-General in October 2022.

– Global emissions could be reduced by 40%-70% by 2050 while satisfying people’s basic needs for nutrition, mobility and shelter while maintaining wellbeing. This could be achieved by demand-side management and lifestyles supported by infrastructure and technology.

CO2 emissions account for about 75% of global GHG emissions making it the principal GHG to be tackled by climate change actions.

Unequal contributions to historic and current emissions where the contribution of entire Southern Asia is only about 4% of historical cumulative net anthropogenic CO2 emissions between 1850 and 2019, even though the region includes almost 24% of the global population.

Carbon Capture and Storage(CCS) is at the demonstration stage. If brought into use, it would allow the use of fossil fuels to be extended. Unless managed sustainably, bio-energy combined with CCS could also have negative impacts on food security and biodiversity.

Financial flows fall short of investment needs for mitigation. Gaps are particularly large for developing countries. Also, gaps are much wider for adaptation than for mitigation. Investment flows in Southern Asia and Africa is much lower than needed.

Climate resilient development can protect people from the worse impacts of climate change and align climate change action with sustainable development goals.


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