International Organizations News For UPSC
Red Book
Red Book

Reading International Organisations is important from the UPSC exam point of view. Daily International Organisations are in news due to various meetings, summits happening in India or around the world. UPSC has been asking several questions in prelims over structure and intro regarding International Organisations. In mains, many questions have been asked over the efficiency and importance of International Organisations in news for India.

International Organizations in news, 2020/21

  • Global Trends Report on Forced Displacements Released by UNHCR
    What is the News? The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has released the Global Trends Report on Forced Displacements. About Global Trends Report: The Global Trends Report is an annual report. UNHCR publishes this report. Purpose: The report counts and tracks the numbers of refugees, internally displaced people. It also tracks people ...
  • “Global Peace Index 2021” Released
    What is the News? The 15th edition of Global Peace Index 2021 has been released. About Global Peace Index: The Global Peace Index is released by the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), an international think tank. Aim: The index presents the most comprehensive analysis of trends in peace. It ranks countries according to ...
  • “World Competitiveness Index 2021”: India maintained 43rd position
    What is the news? World Competitiveness Index 2021 has been released by the Institute for Management Development (IMD). About World Competitiveness Index The World Competitiveness Index is an annual report published since 1989. Released by: The index is released by the Institute for Management Development (IMD). Aim: The index ranks 64 economies. It assesses the ...
  • UNESCO Science Report Finds India’s investment in Research Unsatisfactory
    What is the News? The UNESCO Science Report(USR) has been released. About UNESCO Science Report(USR): UNESCO Science Report is a global monitoring report. It is published every five years by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization(UNESCO). Objective: The report monitors trends in science governance worldwide to identify which development path countries are ...
  • NATO Summit 2021 – Countries Agreed to Step Up Defense
    What is the News? The NATO Summit was held recently in Brussels. During the summit, countries agreed to step up their collective defence against threats from all directions. Key Outcomes of NATO Summit NATO summit concluded on the following points:- It will respond to Russia’s increasing nuclear arsenal. Further, It called on Iran to stop ...
  • “World Giving Index 2021” – 10th Edition Released
    What is the News? The 10th edition of the World Giving Index (WGI) 2021 has been released. About World Giving Index(WGI): The World Giving Index(WGI) is published by the Charities Aid Foundation(CAF). Parameters: The index provides combined insight into the scope and nature of giving around the world. It looks at three aspects of ...
  • G7 Summit Presents a Template for Indian Engagement With the West
    Synopsis: The recent meeting of G7 countries was attended by India as a guest country. The meeting provided a template for Indian engagement with the West based on shared democratic values and mutual cooperation. Background: The recent summit of G7 countries took place in Cornwall, England from 11-13th June 2021. India, Australia, South ...
  • “SIPRI Yearbook 2021”: China, India, Pakistan expanding “nuclear arsenal”
    What is the News? Stockholm International Peace Research Institute(SIPRI) has released the SIPRI Yearbook 2021. The report assesses the current state of armaments, disarmament and international security. What are the key findings of the SIPRI Yearbook 2021? Nine Nuclear-Armed States- the US, Russia, UK, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea together ...
  • G7 accommodates Indian stand on the need for “Internet shutdown”
    What is the News? The G7 countries statement on the Internet Shutdown was amended after India objected to the original language criticising “Internet shutdowns”. Internet Shutdowns all over the world: According to a report by digital rights and privacy organisation Access Now, of the total 155 internet shutdowns globally in 2020, India alone ...
  • Key Outcomes of the G7 Summit
    What is the News? The 47th Group of Seven(G7) summit has concluded in Cornwall, UK. India also virtually participated in the summit as a guest country. What are the key outcomes of the summit? On Covid-19 Pandemic: The G7 countries have pledged to donate 1 billion vaccine doses to poorer countries by the end ...


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