International Relations : News and Updates
Red Book
Red Book

  •  Vaccine Maitri: India Vaccine diplomacy exercise  
    Why in News?   India will officially start its vaccine diplomacy with the name “Vaccine Maitri” under  its  Neighborhood First policy.  Vaccine Diplomacy: It is the use of vaccines to increase a country’s diplomatic relationship with  other countries.   Key Features of Vaccine Maitri  India will supply Made-in-India Covid-19 vaccines to its neighboring and key partner countries Under its Neighborhood First policy.  Bhutan and Maldives will be the first to get the vaccines followed ...
  • India-US relation under Joe Biden administration
    Synopsis: Biden’s administration is focussed on ensuring economic security of the middle class by reducing the expansive globalist ambitions. What does it mean for India? Background Two important themes that are at the centre of Biden’s vision are, To “restore the soul of America” by resolving the multiple economic and political challenges confronting ...
  • Chabahar Port 
    News: Indian government has supplied a consignment of two Mobile Harbour Cranes- MHC to Chabahar Port in Iran.   Facts:   Source: Indian Express   Chabahar Port: It is a seaport in Chabahar located in southeastern Iran, It is located on the Makran coast of Sistan and Baluchistan Province, next to the Gulf of Oman and at the mouth ...
  • Kalapani territorial dispute between India and Nepal resurfaced
    Synopsis: Kalapani territory is one of the major disputed border areas between India and Nepal. But the dispute is not yet resolved by mutual terms and usually resurface time and again. In this article, you can read about the details of the dispute and the steps that India should take. Introduction: Present development Nepal ...
  • Trade with China shrank in 2020, deficit at five-year low
    News: According to the data from China’s General Administration of Customs (GAC), India’s trade with China declined in 2020 to the lowest level since 2017, with the trade deficit narrowing to a five-year low as India imported far fewer goods from China. Facts: Source: The Hindu  Data Related to Trade between India and China: Bilateral ...
  • UK  Report classified India among ‘difficult four’ countries
    Synopsis: The report released by the Royal Institute of International Affairs (UK) recommends an arm’s length relationship with India due to rise of religious intolerance.  Back ground  Recently, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (UK) have proposed a blueprint titled “Global Britain, Global Broker”, for Britain’s future foreign policy after Brexit.  As a matter of concern for India, ...
  • New opportunities for India in Afghanistan
    Synopsis: Change of power in the US has provided India with an opportunity to re-engage with Afghanistan.  Introduction   The National Security Advisor(NSA) Ajit Doval paid a 2-day visit to Kabul. It was the first trip to Afghanistan, by a top Indian official, since the start of Doha Talks between Taliban and Afghan republic ...
  • Importance of Reviving SAARC
    Synopsis- SAARC has become dysfunctional and not able to meet since las 6 years. Reviving SAARC is crucial for countering common challenges in the region, amid COVID pandemic.  Introduction  The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is the regional intergovernmental organization and geopolitical union of nations in South Asia founded in 1985 with 7 member nations.  The group ...
  • Diplomatic practices
    Synopsis: India is unwilling to interfere in the political turmoil of Kathmandu and Beijing on the other hand is making efforts to preserve the unity of ruling party in Nepal. Stances of both the countries are very different from their traditional foreign policies. Introduction Interventions in the happenings of neighbouring countries have been ...
  • Kenneth Arrow’s paradox and why elections are flawed
    Synopsis- Theory of Arrow’s paradox and the impact of loss of concentration Introduction- The mechanics of all elections are flawed. The mathematician Kenneth Arrow laid bare the flaws in elections. The internet helps the minority voice to instigate a large part of the populace. The recent U.S. presidential election is an example of ...
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