ISRO launches radar imaging observation satellite RISAT-2B

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  1. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully placed RISAT-2B (Radar Imaging Satellite-2B) into orbit 556 km above earth. The PSLV-C46 launcher carried the RISAT-2B.
  2. PSLV-C46 is the 14th flight of PSLV in ‘core-alone’ configuration i.e. without the use of solid strap-on motors. Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle is an expendable medium-lift launch vehicle designed and operated by ISRO.
  3. RISAT-2B is a Radar imaging earth observation satellite. It uses synthetic aperture radar to provide all-weather surveillance. It has a mission life of 5 years.
  4. RISAT-2B will enhance India’s defence capabilities to monitor the cross border activities. Further, it will provide services in the fields of agriculture, forestry and disaster management support.
  5. RISAT-2B is a part of the RISAT or Radar Imaging Satellite series of Indian radar imaging reconnaissance satellites built by ISRO. Israeli-built RISAT-2 was launched in 2009 and the ISRO-built RISAT-1 in 2012.
  6. Two important secondary payloads were also included in the launch. They are a) the Vikram processor from Semiconductor Laboratory (SCL), Chandigarh that will control future launchers and b) a low-cost microelectronic inertial navigation system from the ISRO Inertial Systems Unit, Thiruvananthapuram.

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