Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve enters UNESCO list
Red Book
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Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve enters UNESCO list


  1. Recently, the Khangchendongza Biosphere Reserve (KBR) has been included in the UNESCO’s World Network of Biosphere Reserve (WNBR).

Important Facts

  1. The decision of inclusion was taken at the 30thsession of the International Coordinating Council of Man and Biosphere Reserve Programme, UNESCO, held in Indonesia
  2. Biosphere Reserves in India
  • There are 18 Biosphere Reserves in India. 11 of the biosphere reserves are included in the world network of Biosphere Reserves, the latest being KBR
  • The last biosphere reserve to be included was the Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve in Kerala in 2016.
  • The Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve was the first reserve from the country to be included in the WNBR.
  1. Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve (KBR)
  • KBR is one of the 34 biodiversity hotspots of the world
  • KBR comprises 41% of the entire geographical area of Sikkim and spreads over 2931
  • The core area comprises of 1784 and the buffer zone spreads across 835  311 sq km comprises transition area between habitation and the biosphere reserve
  • The Khangchendzonga National Park (KNP) comprises the core area of the KBR and has been designated as a “Mixed World Heritage Site”
  • 86% of the core lies in the Alpine zone and remaining are located in the Himalayan wet temperate and sub tropical moist deciduous forest.
  • According to the Sikkim Forest Department, there are 4,500 species of flowering plants in the KBR

Major fauna includes Red Panda, Snow Leopard, Himalayan Black Beer, and Musk deer, Great Tibetan Sheep, Blue Sheep, Boral and Barking Deer. Avifauna includes Monal Pheasants, Tragopan Pheasants and Blood Pheasants

  1. Significance of the inclusion in World Network of Biosphere Reserve (WNBR)
  • Boost international research collaboration on flora, fauna and ecosystem of the KBR Boost tourism
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