Law Optional Test 5 for UPSC Mains 2017 : Mains Marathon

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Friends, We are releasing the 5th Law Optional Test, Mains Marathon Optional Initiative.

You will have around 20 quality Questions each week.

By the end of Mains 2017 you will have a good writing practice, if you follow this initiative diligently. Each week of syllabus is designed in such a way that gives you sufficient opportunity to revise and interlink common areas of syllabus. Ask your friends to join, write answers and check each other’s answers. All the best.

Test 5 : Law Mains Marathon

Q1-What do you understand by the term  malice? How application of malice is different in law of tort and criminal activity?Distinguish between ‘Malice in law and Malice In fact’.


Q2-Distinguish between Injuria sine damno and  Damnum sine  injuria with the help of relevant case laws.


Q3-Discuss the unity theory of winfield and the  pigeon hole theory of salmond with respect to the nature of Tort? Which is the most suitable theory according to you?


Q4-Critically examine  the rule laid down in Rylands vs. Fletcher  in the light of M.C.Mehta case.


Q5-Distinction between sovereign and non sovereign functions or governmental or non governmental function is no longer relevant in deciding the liability of state. Do you agree?Substantiate your answer with the help of decided cases.


Q6-What do you understand by negligence? Explain neighbourhood principal. Also,mention the exceptions to the maxim res ipsa loquitur.


Q7- Discuss the tort of defamation. Examine the need to remove offence of criminal defamation from our statutes.


Q8-Distinguish between absolute privilege and qualified privilege.What are the remedies available to the person defamed?     


Q9-Discuss privity of contract and privity of consideration.How the law on privity of consideration and privity of contract in india is different from law in england?


Q10-State the law related with agreement in restraint of trade.What are the exceptions to it.


Q11-Attempt the following-

1-X lost his iphone while saving y’s property from fire.Can X sue Y for compensation?

2-Distinguish between quantum meruit and claim for damages


Q12- A had been supplying coal to a railway company without any formal agreement.B suggested that a formal agreement should be drawn up. The agents of both the parties met and drew up a draft argument.It had some blanks when it was sent for B’S approval.B filled up the blanks and  then returned it to the company.The agent of the company put the draft in a drawer and it remained there without final approval having been signified.B kept his supply of coal but on the new terms and also received payment on the new terms.A dispute having arisen B refused to be bound by agreement.Decide.


Q13- 1-Distinguish fraud with misrepresentation. 2- Bring out the differences between mediation,arbitration,conciliation and negotiation.


Q14-What do you understand by anticipatory breach of a contract? What are the legal consequences associated with such breach?


Q15-Discuss the doctrine of frustration with the help of decided cases?Also,mention the grounds to which this doctrine is not applicable.


Q16-Enumerate the salient features of arbitration and conciliation act,1996.


Q17 Discuss  the competence of arbitral tribunal to decide matters that comes within the scope and ambit of arbitration.


Q18- “An agreement enforceable by law is a contract.”Discuss the valid requirements of a valid contract in the light of above statement.


Q19- Distinguish between void,voidable and illegal contracts with the help of examples.


Q20- X owes 20,000 rs. which X has failed to pay Y. Y agrees to give a rebate of 4000 rs. If X pays the amount within a week. X pays the amount.Now Y Demands the balance also. Can he demand? Decide.

All Mains Marathon Optional Questions are updated in this page.

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