M.P. has most number of repeat offenders 
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M.P. has most number of repeat offenders 


Latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data

Repeat offenders

  • The percentage of juveniles who repeat a crime at least once is the same as that for adult criminals

Stats: As per the NCRB, 44,171 juveniles were apprehended in 2016. Of them, 5.2 % were convicted in the past at least once. Last year, the total number of adults arrested was 37,37,870, which included 1,91,849 persons or 5.1% who had been convicted for the crime at least once

  • Highest number of repeat adult offenders in Chandigarh percentage wise: Percentage wise, among the 29 States and seven Union Territories, Chandigarh with 38.1% reported the maximum number of repeat offenders among adults
  • In absolute numbers, the maximum number of repeat offenders among adults was in Madhya Pradesh-35,320, Tamil Nadu-18,841, Assam-11,659, Telangana- 13,605 and Andhra Pradesh- 16,471

Sex offenders’ registry

The proposal to set up a registry was first mooted by the UPA government after the 2012 gang rape in Delhi

  • The government plans to publicize photographs, addresses, PAN card details, Aadhaar card number, fingerprints and DNA samples of the offenders through this registry
  • Details of sexual offenders even below 18 years of age would be included in the database
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