Mainland Serow Mammal

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 26th June. Click Here for more information.

Source- This post on ‘Mainland Serow Mammal‘ has been created based on the article “Antelope-like mammal from Bhutan recorded at lowest elevation in western Assam” published in “The Hindu” on 28th June 2024.

Why in News?

The mainland serow has been recorded at the lowest elevation in western Assam.

About Mainland Serow

Mainland Serow
Source- The Hindu
About  Details
Mainland SerowA mammal that looks like a cross between a goat and an antelope. The mainland serow inhabits areas at altitudes of 200 metres to 3,000 metres
HabitatSpecies of serow native to the Himalayas, Southeast Asia and China. Bhutan is the natural home and habitat of mainland serow.
Characteristicsa. The mainland serow, both male and female, is around three feet high at the shoulder, and typically weighs around 200 lb.
b. The mainland serow possesses guard hairs on its coat that are bristly or coarse. These also cover the layer of fur closest to its skin.
c. The horns are only characteristic of the males and are light-colored. These are approximately six inches in length, and curve slightly towards the animal’s back.
BehaviourThe mainland serow is territorial and lives alone or in small groups. Females give birth to a single young after a gestation period of about eight months
Conservation StatusIUCN Status- Vulnerable
CITES- Appendix I
Prominent Habitat in IndiaIts habitat is across the border in the Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary
and the Royal Manas National Park in Bhutan.

UPSC Syllabus- Environment

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