Mains Marathon Daily Current Affairs Questions and Answer Writing – March 27, 2018

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 26th June. Click Here for more information.

Read the following questions and answer them by clicking on the links in not more than 200 words

Time: 30 Minutes

Kindly review each others answers

Q.1) Supreme Court’s verdict that dilutes the SC/ST act, 1989, go at odds with the concerns raised by Ministry of Home Affairs in its annual report in 2017 and will render the act toothless. Substantiate.


Q.2) By glancing at the unbounded and unregulated data supply to the giant websites it seems that recent public and political outrage in India over Facebook data controversy has no rationale behind it and will not affect the unwanted use of personal data. Explain.

The Hindu

Q.3) Why India is the only Bt cotton-growing country facing the problem of pink bollworm infestation? What possible options do India have to root-out this problem?

The Hindu


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