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Source-This post on Manatees has been created based on the article “An unprecedented 1,000 manatees are gathering in Florida this week – but why?” published in “BBC Future” on 26 January 2024.

Why in the news?

Manatees are typically solitary animals. However, they have gathered in record-breaking numbers at a Florida state park.

About Manatees

Source-Business insider
AboutManatees are large aquatic mammals.
They belong to a group of animals called Sirenia. This group also contains dugongs.
TypesThere are three species, or types, of manatee:-
1) The Amazonian manatee lives in the Amazon River and in fresh water in South America. This species is only found in freshwater.
2) The African manatee lives in tropical West Africa.
3) The Caribbean manatee is found in Florida and the West Indies.
Characteristics1) Size-Adult manatees may reach a length of 15 feet (4.6 meters) and a weight of 1,660 kilograms. Females tend to be larger and heavier than males.
2) Diet-They are herbivores. They spend up to eight hours a day grazing and can consume 4 to 9 percent of their body weight in aquatic vegetation daily.
3) Behavior – They are generally solitary animals.
-In order to breathe, they must swim to the water’s surface for air.
-Dugongs and manatees are very similar in appearance and behavior, but there is one key difference:-Manatees have paddle-shaped tails, and dugongs have fluked tails, giving it a whale-like appearance.
4) Lifespan: 50 to 60 years.
Conservation statusIUCN-All 3 species are vulnerable.
Threats1) Habitat destruction.
2) Their curious nature seldom leads to violent collisions with propeller driven ships and boats.
3) Red tides are major threats to the manatee. Red tide is the discolouration of sea surface due to algal blooms.
4)They are entangled in fishing gear, water control structures such as floodgates, navigation locks, etc.

NOTE- Dugong-They are also called the sea cow. They are the herbivorous mammal. It is classified as ‘Vulnerable’ under the IUCN Red List.

UPSC Syllabus-Environment (species in news)

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