MGP/MGP+ Batch E : Admissions Open | Commences from June 23 + Download Checked Copies of former MGP Students
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Dear Friends,

This is to inform you we shall be commencing with MGP Batch E Tests from June 23. The Tests will be released at 9AM as per schedule, but can be attempted later.

What it contains

  • 12 Full Length GS Tests
  • 4 Full Length Essay Tests (32 Topics ) + 4 Essay Classes Sessions ( Only with MGP+)
  • Mentor Guidance and Support

This batch only has Full Syllabus Tests and not sectional Tests and is for anyone who has appeared for the Mains Examination Paper and completed the syllabus.

We recommend that you seek at least upto 4 Mentor Sessions after your copy is evaluated, to seek specific inputs on how to improve.

We also recommend that you take up MGP+ ( The One with the Essay ) rather than MGP, as we are going to have additional Sessions on Essay.

For Ethics Paper, there will a workshop  ( 5 Days ) on Case Studies and Theoretical Part Separately from July 17th ( tentative ) , which can be joined by all MGP Students by paying a nominal registration fee. Those of you who are thinking of taking classes elsewhere can safely bank on this, for scoring better in Ethics.

How is the Evaluation at ForumIAS?

At ForumIAS, we want to keep the evaluation such that you make progress and improve your score. This is a near surety with the MGP – improvement in marks , if you adopt what has been told to you.

We are not talking about Rank 1, 8, 10 , 11 and other toppers who joined MGP. We are talking about people who joined us and had a surge in GS Marks compared to previous years purely on the basis of change in writing style with the same content.

We are talking about hundreds of our students who have been able to improve their Marks in General Studies with specific inputs from us.

You can see the scorecard of one such student of MGP below:

Please speak to our former students who have benefited from MGP

Sample Evaluated Copy 

A lot of you have asked for a sample of evaluated copies. While we maintain that we do try not to release a lot of work we do in public domain , there are three principles that we follow in evaluation

#1 Do not misguide a good candidate who is already doing well

At ForumIAS, most of the people who join us, know us directly or indirectly. We give a lot of weight-age to word of mouth referrals. ( Because people who join us by word of mouth, take the inputs seriously ). Also they are more sincere students, who have a positive frame of mind. For a sample you can see the copy of Apurva Pandey ( Essay Topper : 175 Marks ) , who was told she needs to change very little to nothing in her current writing style, and needs to focus on GS and Optionals, as she would anyway score good marks in Essay.

So we take care that candidates who are already doing fine, are not required to make changes to their writing style. We provide enough scope for candidates to develop along the lines of their own genius.

You can see the copy below

Download Sample Essay Copy – Checked ( Candidates has scored 175 Marks in Essay )

#2 Guide the candidate in the right direction by and by, and track progress.

For example, you can see the evaluated notebook of another candidate whose progress we were able to track and, we have seen improvements that the candidate sought.

Click below to download sample corrected copy

Download Sample Copy of GS ( Candidate has secured Highest Total Marks in the Final List )


#3 Provide a learning curve to answer writing

One of the key requirements from any Test Series should be that it should take candidates (a) through a learning curve and (b) Prepare them for any surprise.

It is trues that in our MGP Tests, we have asked candidates to write questions ( like short notes in 50 words or 100 words ) .

This is essential to test if a candidate can write answer in less words on a topic on which he knows much more. For example, some candidates have reached out to us saying, why we have asked them to write questions on Cuban Missile Crisis or New Deal in 50-70 words. The truth is that if a candidate can write about the two in 50-70 words, he has good summarizing skills. Also, it is the single best way to test writing skills of any candidate. So, while UPSC has not been asking 5 markers since 2011, we do ask some questions – and this helps us evaluate the candidate in a 360 degree manner. It is not about the quality of questions.

Lastly, we are aware of the lacunae that may exist in MGP/ MGP+ . With your support, we shall continuously work to improve our programs.

To Join our Courses, including MGP / MGP + Click Below or Visit Offline Center


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