Missing link in UGC’s foreign university plans to set up campuses in India
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Source– The post is based on the article “Missing link in UGC’s foreign university plans to set up campuses in India” published in the Business Standard on 18th February 2023.

Syllabus: GS2- Issues related to development and management of education

Relevance: Higher education

News- Recently, UGC unveiled draft norms for allowing foreign universities to set up campuses in India with autonomy to decide the admission procedure and fee structure.

What are arguments against foreign university campuses in India?

Students and teachers believe that foreign campuses will not be enough to stop educational emigration.

A report by OECD re­cen­tly pointed out that Indians studying in economically developed countries were the most likely to stay back in their host country and join the local workforce.

The UGC’s move assumes that stud­e­n­ts will be satisfied with the tag of a prestigious global institution. But that is hardly the central motivation.

University campu­ses in the US not only offer a vibrant community of international scholarship, but also an ecosystem of internships, apprenticeships, skill development and vocational training courses.

Fore­ign varsities that offer their curricula in In­dia can only provide a part of the experien­ce enjoyed by students who study abroad.

The courses offered in foreign institutes have strong interdisci­plinary components that branch into skill-development and vocational trai­ning. Indian students who wish to bring their skills on a par with global in­d­ustry re­quirements, would prefer to go to a university’s home campus.

What are arguments in favour of foreign university campuses in India?

Indian students who want to study abroad will be more than a million in the near fut­u­re. Campuses of foreign universities in In­dia can admit only a fraction of the students going abroad.

The students who do not plan to emigrate may choose to study in the campuses of foreign higher education institutions in India.

Foreign universities in India will bridge the gap between the skill-development system and traditional de­gree education by ident­ifying and mitigating bottlenecks in India’s skill development ecosystem.

It will also augment technology transfer, re­search and innovation in the country. This will further lead to the creation of strategic training programmes and a pool of proficient individuals who can leverage emerging global opportunities.

This provides an opportu­nity to tap into the very large pool of NRI educators in universities all over the world and who can bring the best of both local knowledge and international experience and connections.

What is the way forward to improve higher education in India?

The high­er education ecosystem in India needs to be more thoroughly in­tegrated with the job market, in terms of apprenticeships, skill-training workshops, and vocational cou­rses. There is a need for investment in the post-curricular ecosystem.

India should address the skilling needs of its population. For vocational skills, it should look tow­a­rds the German, Swiss, Austrian and Sin­g­a­porean apprentice systems for inspiration.

The gover­nment must first focus on implementing its landmark announcements as the Nat­ional Research Foundation and the alloca­tion of 25% of the defense R&D bud­get for higher education system and the private sector in an effective way.

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