Mission on Advanced and High-Impact Research (MAHIR) launched to leverage Emerging Technologies in Power Sector
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Source: The post is based on the article “Mission on Advanced and High-Impact Research (MAHIR) launched to leverage Emerging Technologies in Power Sector” published in the PIB on 7th June 2023

What is the News?

The Ministry of Power and the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy have jointly launched a National Mission titled “Mission on Advanced and High-Impact Research (MAHIR).

About Mission on Advanced and High-Impact Research (MAHIR)


-To facilitate indigenous research, development and demonstration of the latest and emerging technologies in the power sector.

-To leverage emerging technologies as the main fuel for future economic growth and thus make India a manufacturing hub of the world.

-To provide a common platform for Power Sector Stakeholders for collective brainstorming, synergetic technology development and devise pathways for the smooth transfer of technology.

-To support pilot projects of indigenous technologies developed by Indian start-ups and facilitate their commercialization.

-To leverage foreign alliances and partnerships for research and development of advanced technologies and technology transfer.

Funded by: Pooling financial resources of the Ministry of Power, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and the Central Public Sector Enterprises under the two Ministries.

Note: Additional funding, if required, will be mobilized from the Government’s budgetary resources.

Duration: Planned for an initial period of five years from 2023-24 to 2027-28.

Structure of the Mission: The Mission will have a two-tier structure – a Technical Scoping Committee and an Apex Committee.

Technical Scoping Committee (TSC): It will survey and identify the on-going and emerging areas of research globally and will make recommendations to the Apex Committee.

It is chaired by the Chairperson of the Central Electricity Authority.

Apex Committee: It deliberates on technology and product development, approves research proposals, and looks into international collaborations.

It is chaired by the Union Minister for Power & New and Renewable Energy.

What are the areas identified for MAHIR?

The Mission has identified eight areas for research. These include, 1) Alternatives to Lithium-Ion storage batteries, 2) Modifying electric cookers / pans to suit Indian cooking methods, 3) Green hydrogen for mobility (High Efficiency Fuel Cell), 4) Carbon capture, 5) Geo-thermal energy, 6) Solid state refrigeration, 7) Nanotechnology for EV battery and 8) Indigenous CRGO technology.

What will be the scope of MAHIR?

Under the Mission, once research areas are identified and approved by the Apex Committee, the proposals for outcome-linked funding will be invited from companies/organizations across the globe. Quality cum Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) basis will be used for selecting the proposals.

The Mission shall also fund pilot projects of technologies developed by Indian startups and facilitate their commercialization.

What is the significance of MAHIR?

The Mission will a) follow the technology life cycle approach of Idea to Product, b) Serve as a catalyst for national priorities such as achieving Net Zero emissions and promoting initiatives like Make in India and Start-up India, c) Contribute towards achieving the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), d) Work towards Industry-Academia -Government collaboration to create an ecosystem for innovation and translation of research in the power sector, and e) Reduce dependence on imports, enhance self-reliance, and promote domestic innovation and manufacturing capabilities.

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