National Integration council

The National Integration Council is an extra constitutional body chaired by the Prime Minister.

Other members include Cabinet ministers, Chief Ministers of states, political leaders, Chairman of the University Grants Commission, Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, representatives of industry, business and trade unions.

It was first constituted in 1962 under the chairmanship of the then Prime Minister to combat the evils of communalism, casteism, regionalism and linguism. The last meeting was held in 2013.


  • The foundation of our national life is common citizenship, unity in diversity, freedom of religions, secularism, equality, justice-social-economic and political, and fraternity among all communities.
  • The National Integration Council reiterates its faith in these values and dedicates itself to their achievement.
  • To strengthen unity and solidarity among diverse regions, religions, castes, and communities.
  • To create an atmosphere of communal harmony and mutual respect.
  • To identify and address the causes of communal tensions and conflicts, and to find ways to resolve them.
  • To condemn the repeated atrocities on the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
  • To ensure safety and security of women.
  • To eradicate the dehumanising practice of manual scavenging and other forms of undignified labour.
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