On the importance of Biosphere Reserves – Biosphere reserves are evolving as pockets of hope
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Source: This post on the importance of Biosphere Reserves has been created based on the article “Biosphere reserves are evolving as pockets of hope” published in The Hindu on 3rd November 2023.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 3 Environment – Conservation.

News: This article discusses the importance of Biosphere Reserves in areas ranging from protection of biodiversity to combating climate change. It also highlights the threats faced by BRs along with the conservation efforts being undertaken to counter these threats.

On the World Biosphere Reserve Day, November 3, it is important to reflect on the progress made in conserving and sustainably using these vital ecosystems.

World Biosphere Reserve Day is celebrated each year to raise awareness of the importance of biosphere reserves and to promote their conservation and sustainable use.

What is the anatomy of a Biosphere Reserve (BR)?

1) Core Zone: In the centre lies the strictly protected core zone, providing habitat for flora and fauna, and protecting water, soil, air, and biota as a whole ecosystem.

2) Buffer Zone: This surrounding the core zone, where people live and work in harmony with nature; scientists can study nature here.

3) Transition Zone: The outermost edge is the transition zone where communities practise sustainable human activities.

Biosphere Reserve. Source: National Parks of Paraguay.

How are BRs designated internationally?

BRs are designated by UNESCO to promote the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable development, and research.

They are also supported by other United Nations agencies, for example the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme, as well as the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

According to UNESCO, there are currently 748 biosphere reserves across 134 countries. 12 sites can be found in India.

List of India’s Biosphere Reserves can be found here.

What is the importance of BRs?

1) Support wide variety of ecosystems: They are home to a wide variety of ecosystems — from tropical rainforests to alpine deserts.

2) Home to countless species: They provide home to countless unique and endangered plants and animals species.

3) Sustainable development: In addition to playing a vital role in the protection of biodiversity, they also provide opportunities for sustainable economic development.

4) Combating climate change: BRs are home to many of the world’s carbon sinks helping to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

What are the threats to BRs?

1) Deforestation

2) Invasive species

3) Land use changes such as mining.

4) Increasing urbanisation and constant growth of the world population leading to exploitation.

What are the conservation efforts being undertaken at the local level?

In the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve in India, local communities are working together to manage mangrove forests and protect the biodiversity of the region.

In the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve in India, local communities are contributing towards conservation efforts by forming self-help groups, while the youth are getting engaged in eco-tourism.
It has also introduced the concept of ‘plastic checkpoints’. Community members check all vehicles and tourists for plastic waste, which is collected, recycled and used for the construction of roads.

What are the global initiatives being undertaken to conserve BRs?

1) UNESCO in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change and the National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management, concluded the 10th South and Central Asian Biosphere Reserve Network Meeting (SACAM).

2) The UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme aims to improve livelihoods, safeguard ecosystems, and promote sustainable economic development.

Question for practice:

Biosphere Reserves have an immense role to play in tackling the issues plaguing humanity currently. However, they are under constant threat of being degraded. Analyse.

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