Opening new doors: 

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 26th June. Click Here for more information.

Opening new doors


  • The highest adjudicatory power stands defined as the power to re-interpret that which has been pre-interpreted.
  • Judicial review emerges as the power to co-govern the nation by feats of demosprudential adjudicatory leadership. This feat should cause constitutional happiness.

Right to Privacy (R2P)

  • The R2P is spoken as a right, a principle, and a value.
  • It is an “elemental principle”, a “protected constitutional value” such that “would redefine in significant ways our concepts of liberty and the entitlements that flow out of its protection” and as a “standard”.
  • The court asserts the need to protect the privacy of the being when “development and technological change continuously threaten… public gaze and portend to submerge the individual into a seamless web of inter-connected lives”.
  • It proceeds to speak of spatial control, decisional autonomy, and informational control.
  • The standards of reasonableness of restrictions on the R2P will have to ultimately depend on the type of claims and contentions made before courts.
  • In this sense, the right is neither inalienable, natural, or un-waivable.

Significance of Right to Privacy (R2P)

  • The R2P decision is significant for opening many doors to the future.
  • In effect, it rules that the two-judge bench that overruled the Naz Delhi High Court decision offended the R2P and the curative bench will now have to follow that decision.
  • Further entailments on the politics of beef will unfold in relation to the human right to food, nutrition, and health.
  • The court has already held (through Justice Nariman) that international law applies unless there is direct legislative prohibition.
  • Moreover, human rights standards and norms also enter the determination of the reasonableness of such prohibition.
  • The judgment will have considerable implications for the future of reproductive rights. Scrupulous regard for comparative constitutional studies and international legal perspectives render its impact even more wide-ranging, reshaping constitutional futures.

Same as old

  • This normalization is an unsurprising act of judicial discretion, which consists in presenting the new as always existing.
  • It is however, clear that interpretation here results in innovation, the new declaration of an “inalienable” and “natural right”, a right rooted in pre-constitutional common law foundational principles and also in some values of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution.
  • Human dignity and liberty as well as autonomy thus emerge as core values, as these are not conceivable without the R2P.

Types of Privacy recognized by the court

  • Physical or spatial privacy;
  • Informational privacy;
  • Decisional privacy;
  • Proprietary privacy;
  • Associational privacy.
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