Opinion | Climate change: moving talks to action
Red Book
Red Book

ForumIAS announcing GS Foundation Program for UPSC CSE 2025-26 from 10th August. Click Here for more information.

Opinion | Climate change: moving talks to action

Issues with climate governance:

  1. The United Nations has been focusing on the “emissions gap” to address climate change; however, it does not fix the responsibility nor does it state how to do it
  2. The developed countries have been diluting commitments to address climate change by not providing agreed upon finance and technology to developing countries
  3. The international commitments to address climate change have primarily focussed on limiting global temperature rise. They have not adequately addressed the need for energy efficient infrastructure to build resilience against the adverse effects of climate change
  4. In attempt to curb global greenhouse emissions, the focus has been biased and predominantly been on curbing the developing countries’ use of coal. However, the growing transport/vehicular emissions from developed countries remain unaddressed
  5. Provisions of Multilateral environmental treaties have often been manipulated and/or opposed by developed countries which raises concerns over their commitment to such treaties
  6. The current international climate governance does not discuss about allocation principles, largely ignoring the socioeconomic implications on human activities on sharing global atmospheric resource

Way Forward:

There is an urgent need to reorient research, policies and diplomatic interventions to put inclusive, equitable sustainable development as the conceptual basis of climate governance.

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