[Answered] “Modern socio-economic conditions require states to take care not only of people’s material welfare but also their identities.” Discuss.

Demand of the question
Introduction. Contextual Introduction.
Body. Why state should take care of people’s identities?
Conclusion. Way forward.

Efficiency, economics and control of human beings through the application of material technology  has increased the fusion of global and local cultures towards unification of lifestyles, cultural symbols and the modes of behaviour. Globalisation led to expansion of modern capitalism encompassing the political, economic and cultural realms worldwide. It has created a global culture in which the identity is amalgamated that tends to bring a homogenous culture throughout the world. Such a cultural invasion is a threat that causes serious problems for some conservative states by virtue of the fact that the openness to foreign content can erode the traditional values and indigenous cultural identity.

Why state should take care of people’s identities?

  1. Today, in an age when discrete cultures themselves are under threat, the question of cultural identity becomes newly problematic and takes on new urgency. The reason for this importance lies in the preservation of the traditional cultures and values that are carefully being sewn into the entanglements of globalization.
  2. Globalization has an impact on cultural identity because it fosters the decline of costs. Declining costs have changed individual and societies tastes for greater integration. Also the global diffusion of radio, television, Internet and digital technologies have made instantaneous communication possible, and exposed an enormous constituency to effect cultural values.
  3. It is clearly evident that availability of cheap and rapid communication and knowledge of one common language that permits the phenomena of integration of international capital market. Knowledge of English gives people the chance to communicate with other human beings around the world. It gives the opportunity to broaden one’s horizons and to get to know other cultures. This expansion threatens other linguistic identities.
  4. The main side effect of globalization impact on cultural identity is the spread of multinational corporations. This encourages consumer culture and standardises products and values.
  5. Culture has almost become a one-way operating manner of business. Cultural goods and services produced by rich and powerful countries have invaded all of worlds markets, and left with difficulties undeveloped countries which are not able to stand up the competition.

With the development of science and technology, people are closer than before. They become much more concerned about their cultural identity. They are constantly searching for their cultural roots and defending them. A decent federal system that allows a great deal of political autonomy to distinct cultural groups, protects important common (national) interests and enables fruitful encounter of regional cultures does that. Preserving this is important for state to keep harmony in the society.

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