UPSC Mains Optional History Paper 1 (2010)
Red Book
Red Book


1. Mark the following places on the map supplied to you and write short descriptive notes on them:          3×20=60

(i)  Korkai           

(ii) Eran

(iii) Birbhanpur       

(iv) Rakhigarhi

(v) Sannati           

(VI) Isipattan

(vii) Dhanyakataka     

(viii) Junnar

(ix) Edakkal           

(x) Paithan

(xi) Pandu Rajar Dhibi   

(xii) Karle

(xiii) Vatapi       

(xiv) Porkalam

(xv) Kalanjar           

(xvi) Multan

(xvii) Bairat                       

(xviii) Chanhudaro

(xix) Rajim          

(xx) Tripura

2. (a) To What extent archaeological materials are useful in understanding the progress of neolithic man in India ?                30
(b) Examine the significance of the deli ties depicted on the coins of the Kushanas.           30
3. (a) Examine the view that the sarcrifice was a ritual and  a form social exchange in Vedic India.   30

 (b) Assess the role of guilds and trade organizations in the development of early Indian economy.  30

4. What light do early inscriptions and literature throw on the status of women in politico-socio-economic spheres?  60

5. Write short notes in not more than 200 words each on any three of the following:     20×3=60

(a) Provide a comparative analysis of the development of Arabic and Persian historiography.

(b) Discuss Social dynamic in the Vijayanagara Empire.

(c) Discuss different types of Karkhanas in Mughal India. How was the production organized in the Karkhanas?

(d) Critically evaluate various approaches to study medieval Indian towns.

6. (a) Examine the increasing important of mari-time trade of India during thirteenth to fifteenth centuries.  30

 (b) To what extent “monetary anemia” afflicted the erstwhile commercial economy during the early medival period? 30

7. (a) Comment on the Turco-Mongol theory of sovereignty. To what extent was it adopted by Babur and Humayun? 30

  (b) How did Shivaji organize his administration and finances to consolidate his power?    30
8. (a) What was Indian response to European Technology ?

(b) How far do you agree with the view that the temples in the early medieval period were catalysts in spreading education? 30

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