What is the difference between the three art forms? What are the salient elements of each?
What kind of painting/sketching is done by you > Oil color s, watercolors , pastels, landscapes, human portraits, etc?
Have a basic understanding of the techniques of the art form your are proficient in along with knowledge of various terminologies , material used etc ?
What is wet in wet technique ( water colors ) ?
WHat was impressionistic school of art ? HAve a brief idea about various prominent painters – Monet , Picasso , Jamini Roy , Abanindranath Tagore etc.
What has contributed to sudden resurgence in the demand and price of Indiana rt ? Is there a sudden change in Indian art or is it merely a perceptional shift ?
Do you agree with the concept of artistic freedom of expression ? Should there be any censorship ? Where should the line be drawn ?
Have paintings/drawings as an art form developed into an alternative vocation in India ? Or, is it limited largely as a hobby ? What measures should be taken to promote it as a vocation ?