Pakistan on FATF grey list- What does it mean for India?
Red Book
Red Book

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Synopsis: Pakistan’s has been retained on Financial Action Task Force (FATF) grey list.  

Pakistan will stay on FATF grey list for now. Pakistan missed the mark by one crucial action point out of 27 – being judged deficient in prosecuting the senior leadership of UN-proscribed terror groups.   

Read more – Pakistan to remain on FATF greylist -ForumIAS Blog 

FATF and Pakistan  

Many in the Pakistan are protesting this decision. They are of the view that their reforms to terror financing laws have enabled the prosecution of more than 30 UN-proscribed leaders and their associates, for terror financing. 

However, it is unclear that how many leaders are serving jail time, the convictions and prison terms. It has previously happened that Pakistani authorities arrest leaders on charges under international pressure, and subsequently release them.  

Thus, FATF has cleared that Pakistan must complete the prosecution of all proscribed leaders of groups including the LeT, JeM, Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban. 

Furthermore, FATF has included six more items to the list.  

What does it mean for India? 

Pakistan’s continuance on this list is a news of relief for India. It is because India is still awaiting true justice delivered to leaders of groups such as the LeT and JeM for attacks, including Mumbai 26/11, Parliament (2001) Pathankot and Pulwama, and not just terror financing. 

However, the processes of FATF must be checked for overreach also. It is because India’s Mutual Evaluation Report is also pending due to the pandemic.  

FATF has announced a new focus on “extreme right-wing terrorism (ERW)”. With this factor along with Pakistan’s lobby will result in technical scrutiny of India’s political aspects. 

Terms to Know: 


UNSC 1267 Committee 

SOurce – The Hindu 

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