Places in news : News and Updates

  • “Small Island Developing States” faced most GDP loss in 2020: UN report
    What is the News? The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD) has released a report titled “Development and Globalization: Facts and Figures”. The report highlights the numerous challenges faced by Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Key Findings of the Development and Globalization: Facts and Figures Report: Small island developing states(SIDS) faced thrice ...
  • El Salvador is planning to make “Bitcoin a legal currency”
    What is the News? El Salvador is planning to make Bitcoin a legal currency. If made, then El Salvador will be the first country in the world to officially classify Bitcoin as a legal currency. What did El Salvador do? El Salvador is planning to make Bitcoin a legal currency. This means that ...
  • Rwanda Genocide 1994 – French President Seeks forgiveness
    What is the News?  French President has asked for forgiveness for his country’s role in the Rwanda Genocide, 1994. About Rwanda Genocide, 1994: The “Rwandan Genocide” refers to the 1994 mass slaughter in Rwanda. It was of the ethnic Tutsi by members of the Hutu majority government. The killings began in early 1994 and ...
  • Climate Change impact on Cave Arts of Sulawesi Island of Indonesia
    What is the News? A new Australian study has suggested that climate change may be accelerating the degradation of Pleistocene-era rock paintings located in the Sulawesi Island of Indonesia. It is the world’s oldest cave art. About the study: Australian and Indonesian archaeological scientists conducted the study.  The scientists examined around 11 caves and rock-shelters ...
  • What is causing ‘Mice Rain’ in Eastern Australia?
    What is the News? The Government of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia is facing one of the worst mouse plagues. It has affected farmers, community members, and residents. In some affected areas, mice are falling out from rooftops causing “mice rain”. What is Mice Rain? The mice population in Australia has increased ...
  • “Volcanic eruption” occurs in Indonesia’s “Mount Sinabung”
    What is the News? Indonesia’s Mount Sinabung has erupted releasing a massive column of volcanic ash and smoke up to 3,000 metres(3 km) into the sky. About Mount Sinabung: Mount Sinabung is located in North Sumatra in Indonesia. It is among more than 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia. (Indonesia is prone to seismic ...
  • “Armenian Genocide” recognised by the US
    What is the News? The US President has officially recognised the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks in 1915-16 as an act of genocide.  What is Genocide? Raphael Lemkin, the Polish lawyer has coined the term “genocide” in 1943. According to Article II of the UN Convention on Genocide of December 1948, Genocide ...
  • “Oldest water on Earth” helps in the quest for life on Mars
    What is the News? According to scientists, the findings of the “Oldest Water on Earth” could provide information about the nature of water and life on Earth and the possibility of finding life on Mars. The Oldest Water on Earth: In 2009, Geologist Dr. Barbara Sherwood Lollar of the University of Toronto extracted ...
  • “Trachoma” eliminated from Gambia as a public health problem
    What is the News? The World Health Organization (WHO) recently validated the Gambia for its elimination of trachoma as a public health problem. Overall, this makes Gambia second country after Ghana to achieve this milestone in the WHO’s African Region. (Please note that, Africa & WHO’s African region are not the same) Ghana ...
  • “Deep Time Project”: Volunteers Leave Cave After 40 Days in Isolation
    What is the News? The Deep Time project in France’s Lombrives Cave has come to an end. About Deep Time Project: The Deep Time Project was led by the scientists of the Human Adaptation Institute in partnership with labs in France and Switzerland. Aim: The project aimed to test how people adapt to changes ...
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