Potential of GIs is waiting to be tapped
Red Book
Red Book

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Potential of GIs is waiting to be tapped


What is a Geographical Indication(GI)?

  1. A GI is a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin.
  2. It works as an intellectual property right in law, wherein a product belongs exclusively to a particular territory
  3. In India, Geographical Indication of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 prescribes uniform standards for the protection of geographical indication and govern GI registrations of goods

Difference between GI and other Intellectual Property Rights

● It is the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period.● It is measure of total output and income in the economy.
● It is the sum of private consumption, gross investment in the economy, government investment, government spending and net foreign trade.It provides the rupee value for the amount of goods and services produced in an economy after deducting the cost of inputs and raw materials that have gone into the production of those goods and services.
● GDP gives the picture from the consumers’ side or demand perspective.● It also gives sector-specific picture like what is the growth in an area, industry or sector of an economy.
● GDP is a key measure when it comes to making cross-country analysis and comparing the incomes of different countries.● It is the sum of a country’s GDPand net of subsidies and taxes in the economy.
● A sector-wise breakdown helps policymakers decide which sectors need incentives/stimulus and accordingly formulate sector specific policies.

Significance of GIs

  1. GI tag provides recognition and protection of economic livelihoods to communities who depend entirely on the market success of their indigenous products.
  2. It acts as a marker of authenticity and safeguards the interests and efforts of the communities
  3. Boost sales and exports, as the geographical limitation on production and official recognition of historical and cultural significance increase demand and create a legacy.
  4. Help promote tourism and rural development and address poverty issues

Why has the potential of GI not yet realised in India?

  1. Filing a GI application remains a cumbersome process as result of which only about 320 products have been registered with GI registry
  2. There has been overemphasis on GI registration. Post registration activities in terms of utilising the GI certification as a marketing/branding tool to benefit the producers has not been taken up properly
  3. There is lack of awareness about GI tags among all stakeholder- Producers, trade facilitators, consumers
  4. According to the law, any one who ‘deals’/ ‘exploits’ the GI product is a producer and thus could include a wide range of stakeholders including a trade facilitator, online marketer etc. This ambiguity in law often leads to infringement of GI

Government’s Move to raise awareness- Introduction of GI Logo

The GoI launched a GI Logo and Tagline in 2018 to promote awareness and outreach on GIs. GI logo can be used to identify all registered GIs irrespective of the categories

Way Forward:

  1. There is a need to widely popularize the GI logo so that consumers associate the GI logo with the uniqueness and authenticity of GI products
  2. The use of common GI logo should be made be inclusive of all the stake holders in the value chain
  3. In addition to producer organizations, other stakeholders like traders, processors, packagers etc. of a particular GI product should be organised into associations. These stakeholders should use the logo in all their transactions to promote the sale of genuine GI products
  4. Signboards with GI logos should be put up on the national highways or major bus/railway stations/airports about the GI Production centres in that region and information about the sales points where the products may be procured.
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