Safety of Indian Seafarer
Red Book
Red Book

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Source-This post on Safety of Indian Seafarer has been created based on the article “The Indian seafarer deserves better in choppy high seas” published in “The Hindu” on 25 April 2024.

UPSC Syllabus-GS Paper-3- Security Challenges

Context– India has recently submitted 3 papers addressing safety concerns for its seafarers due to recent attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea and Strait of Hormuz. These papers cover seafarer security, contract terms, and wider maritime threats.

Maritime piracy is a growing concern for Indian seafarers. About 250,000 Indian seafarers work on special cargo ships globally. Data from the International Maritime Bureau reveals a more than 10% rise in serious piracy incidents over the last 10 months.

Why is it important to support Indian seafarers? 

India plans to raise its 9.35% share of seafarers to 20% within 10-20 years.Thus,to achieve this objective, it is important to ensure better rights and protection for seafarers.

What were the key issues highlighted in India’s submissions?

1) Comprehensive Maritime Security –India highlighted the importance of a comprehensive maritime security strategy and better contract terms for seafarers.

2) Global collaboration– India pushed for enhanced global collaboration to address various threats such as piracy, armed robbery, extremist assaults, regional conflicts, drone attacks, and the use of maritime weapons.

What are the challenges faced by the Indian seafarer?

1) Unlawful recruitment practices

A) More than 200 cases of seafarer exploitation have been reported to the Indian Maritime Administration since 2020. India is calling for coordination to tackle this issue and safeguard the rights outlined in the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006.

B) Iranian shipping companies, through global recruiters, are enticing Indian seafarers with false assurances of high salaries and opportunities in the Middle East. They are forced to work excessively with inadequate availability of Furthermore,they are also compelled to transport illicit cargo despite charging high fees.

2) Seizure of ships-India has around 9.35% of the global seafarer and ranks third in the world. However, they become the victims of seizure of ships, as seen in the case of seizure of MSC Aries and the detention of MT Heroic Idun in Nigeria.

3) Legal Rights-They do not have adequate legal representation and are often unaware of their rights.

4) Fixing accountability of ship owner-NHRC has highlighted the difficulties in holding ship owners responsible for poorly treating Indian seafarers who work under foreign registrations to avoid taxes.

5) Piracy– Pirate attacks near Somalia have increased lately, with ships like MV Ruen and MV Lila Norfolk being targeted in December 2023 and January 2024.

Read more- On Maritime Security Challenges

 What are the steps taken by the Indian government to protect the rights of seafarers?

1) The Indian government and NHRC have launched the ‘human rights at sea’ initiative to address cases of seafarers held in foreign jails, stranded in foreign waters and illegal detentions.

2) The government aims to fix the accountability of ship owners and protect the rights of seafarers.

Question for practice

What are the challenges faced by the Indian seafarer? Highlight the steps that can be taken to address this.

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