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The data from clinical trials and post-vaccination study on vaccines shows that the Dominant delta variant of Covid-19 can’t be easily controlled by a single dose of vaccine. The countries must administer two doses of vaccine and should reduce the time gap between them.
- The WHO has recently given a new classification to SARS-CoV-2 variants of interest (VOI) and variants of concern (VOC) on the basis of Greek letters. The objective was to create easy-to-pronounce and non-stigmatising labels for VOI and VOC.
- However, the established nomenclature systems for naming and tracking of SARS-CoV-2 genetic lineages by GISAID, Nextstrain and Pango will remain in use for scientific research.
- The new classification is as follows:
- VOC B.1.1.7 will be called Alpha Variant. It was the earliest documented in the United Kingdom (September 2020).
- VOC B.1.351 will be called Beta Variant. It was the earliest documented in South Africa (May 2020).
- VOC P.1 will be called Gamma Variant. It was the earliest documented in Brazil (November 2020).
- VOC B.1.617.2 will be called Delta Variant. It was the earliest documented in India (October 2020).
About the Delta Variant:
- It was first identified in Maharashtra and is believed to be responsible for the severe second wave in India.
- It has now spread to most parts of India and also been identified in many other countries.
- The rapid expansion has induced the WHO to graduate it from a “variant of interest” (VOI) to a “variant of concern” (VOC) category.
Scientists have undertaken various studies to address 3 major questions surrounding the delta VOC –
- Is it more infectious than the prevalent virus?
- Is it more lethal than the previous virus?
- Does the delta variant is more resistant to the effect of vaccines?
Data shown by various studies on vaccines:
Read Also :-What are “Variants of Concern” (VoC)?
- Results of Study conducted by Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Consortia (INSACOG) and the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC):
- The Delta variant is the “prime reason” behind the second wave, though the wave may have been initiated by the Alpha variant.
- The Delta Variant has become dominant even in Britain, where scientists have recently noted that it is 50% more infectious than the Alpha variant.
- Results of study on vaccines conducted by Public Health England:
- A single dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine provided 33% efficacy against the Delta variant, while it was 51% against the Alpha variant.
- The second dose improved the efficacy to 60% against the Delta variant and to 66% against the Alpha variant.
- Further, two doses of Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine provided much higher levels of protection than two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
- Results of a British study on vaccines published in Lancet Journal:
- Merely 32%of the vaccinated individuals had adequate antibody levels against the Delta variant after the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. It was 25% against the beta variant.
- The antibody levels rose after the second dose. However, they were far below the levels obtained against the initial variant of the Covid-19 virus.
- Results of a study on vaccines conducted by the Pasteur Institute, France:
- The Delta variant showed reduced response to both the vaccines (Pfizer and Astrazeneca). It was resistant to neutralisation by some monoclonal antibodies targeting the Spike protein.
- The study concluded that a single dose of the Astrazeneca vaccine will not display optimal protection against the delta variant.
Lessons learnt from the various study on vaccines:
- First, the Delta variant is the most infectious variant in circulation. However, there is not much convincing evidence to prove it is more deadlier than the previous variants.
- Second, vaccines have diminished efficacy against the delta variant. Further, a single dose of either the AstraZeneca or the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine does not provide adequate protection against the Delta variant.
- Third, a shortened dosing interval is recommended to deal with the Delta variant. Britain has already reduced the interval to 8 weeks from earlier 12 weeks.
Source: The Indian Express
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