Space internet (Starlink project)
Red Book
Red Book


  • The “Starlink” is a SpaceX project to build a broadband network to provide space internet(i.e satellite based) to the remotest corner of world.
  • It is done by a constellation of low earth orbit satellites.
  • The Starlink satellites will be deployed in the altitude band of 350 km to 1,200 km in the Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The LEO extends up to 2,000 km above the Earth’s surface.


  • Reduced latency between sender and receiver as the satellites are placed in LEO.
  • It can deliver internet to remote parts of world, where traditional ways(fibre-optic cables) has failed to deliver internet.


  • Owing to their lower height, their signals cover a relatively small area. As a result, many more satellites are needed in order to reach signals to every part of the earth.
  • It increases number of satellites in space and thereby increasing space debris and increased risk of collisions.

Comparision with internet through Geostationary Satellites:

The internet services obtained from Geostationary Satellites have the advantage

  • Better coverage with lesser number of satellites. Roughly 3 or 4 satellites is enough to cover whole earth.
  • Since, these satellites appear to be stationary, linkage is easier.

Disadvantage-High latency due to it being placed at 35,786 km over the Earth’s equator.

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